Sen Xu
Cited by
Cited by
The Egenhofer–Cohn hypothesis or, topological relativity?
A Klippel, R Li, J Yang, F Hardisty, S Xu
Cognitive and linguistic aspects of geographic space: New perspectives on …, 2013
Volunteered geographic services: Developing a linked data driven location-based service
A Savelyev, S Xu, K Janowicz, C Mülligann, J Thatcher, W Luo
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial …, 2011
Geocoding billions of addresses: toward a spatial record linkage system with big data
S Xu, S Flexner, V Carvalho
GIScience in the Big Data Age 13, 2012
Geovisual analytics for cyber security: Adopting the geoviz toolkit
NA Giacobe, S Xu
2011 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 315-316, 2011
Extracting Route Directions from Web Pages.
X Zhang, P Mitra, S Xu, AR Jaiswal, A Klippel, AM MacEachren
WebDB, 2009
GeoCAM: A geovisual analytics workspace to contextualize and interpret statements about movement
A Jaiswal, S Pezanowski, P Mitra, X Zhang, S Xu, I Turton, A Klippel, ...
Journal of Spatial Information Science 2011 (3), 65-101, 2011
Disambiguating road names in text route descriptions using exact-all-hop shortest path algorithm
X Zhang, B Qiu, P Mitra, S Xu, A Klippel, AM Mac Eachren
ECAI 2012, 876-881, 2012
Spatial event language across domains
A Klippel, S Xu, R Li, J Yang
Workshop on Computational Models for Spatial Language Interpretation and …, 2011
From data collection to analysis—exploring regional linguistic variation in route directions by spatially-stratified web sampling
S Xu, A Jaiswal, X Zhang, A Klippel, P Mitra, AM MacEachren
Computational Models of Spatial Language Interpretation (CoSLI) Workshop at …, 2010
Exploring regional variation in spatial language using spatially stratified web-sampled route direction documents
S Xu, A Klippel, AM MacEachren, P Mitra
Spatial Cognition & Computation 14 (4), 255-283, 2014
Linking context and proximity through web corpus
S Xu, A Klippel
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 45-46, 2013
Hidden ontologies–How mobile computing affects the conceptualization of geographic space
J Thatcher, C Mülligann, W Luo, S Xu, E Guidero, A Savelyev, K Janowicz
Proceedings of Workshop on Cognitive Engineering for Mobile GIS 2011, 2011
Developing nearness models from geocoding spatial entities in a news corpus
S Xu, A Klippel
GIScience 2012, extended abstracts, 2012
Methods for ad-hoc delineation and analysis of categories of spatio-temporal events
F Hardisty, D Peuquet, S Xu, A Robinson
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial …, 2011
Exploring regional variation in spatial language-a case study on spatial orientation with spatially stratified web-sampled documents
S Xu, A Klippel, A MacEachren, P Mitra, I Turton, X Zhang, A Jaiswal
Spatial Cognition Conference–Poster Session, Mt. Hood, Portland Oregon, 2010
Exploring regional variation in linguistically encoded movement patterns-a case study
S Xu, A Klippel, A MacEachren, P Mitra, I Turton, X Zhang, A Jaiswal
Annual meeting of Association of American Geographers-Cognition, Behavior …, 2009
Intelius-nyu tac-kbp2012 cold start system
A Sun, X Wang, S Xu, Y Kiran, S Poornima, A Borthwick, R Grishman
TAC2012, 2012
Progress toward a statistical model of Chinese POI abbreviation
S Xu, X Zhang, S Mao, H Ma, Q Li
Geoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Science 6753, 334-342, 2007
Research on large scale vehicle routing problem with handling frequency
HW Ma, S Xu, W Zhu
Jisuanji Yingyong Yanjiu 28 (8), 2927-2930, 2011
Research on optimization of vehicle routing problem of Regional E-retailer
Science-Technology and Management, 2011
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Articles 1–20