Kajsa E. Dalrymple
Kajsa E. Dalrymple
Dalrymple Advising, LLC
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Religious beliefs and public attitudes toward nanotechnology in Europe and the United States
DA Scheufele, EA Corley, T Shih, KE Dalrymple, SS Ho
Nature nanotechnology 4 (2), 91-94, 2009
Politics in 140 characters or less: Campaign communication, network interaction, and political participation on Twitter
L Bode, KE Dalrymple
Journal of Political Marketing 15 (4), 311-332, 2016
Finally informing the electorate? How the Internet got people thinking about presidential politics in 2004
KE Dalrymple, DA Scheufele
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 12 (3), 96-111, 2007
The soul of a polarized democracy: Testing theoretical linkages between talk and attitude extremity during the 2004 presidential election
AR Binder, KE Dalrymple, D Brossard, DA Scheufele
Communication Research 36 (3), 315-340, 2009
“Facts, not fear” negotiating uncertainty on social media during the 2014 Ebola crisis
KE Dalrymple, R Young, M Tully
Science Communication 38 (4), 442-467, 2016
Perceived familiarity or factual knowledge? Comparing operationalizations of scientific understanding
P Ladwig, KE Dalrymple, D Brossard, DA Scheufele, EA Corley
Science and Public Policy 39 (6), 761-774, 2012
An analysis of conservation practice adoption studies in agricultural human-natural systems
L Yoder, AS Ward, K Dalrymple, S Spak, R Lave
Journal of environmental management 236, 490-498, 2019
Following the leader: Using opinion leaders in environmental strategic communication
KE Dalrymple, BR Shaw, D Brossard
Society & Natural Resources 26 (12), 1438-1453, 2013
Directing the dialogue: The relationship between YouTube videos and the comments they spur
S Edgerly, EK Vraga, KE Dalrymple, T Macafee, TKF Fung
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 10 (3), 276-292, 2013
Getting citizens involved: How controversial policy debates stimulate issue participation during a political campaign
AB Becker, KE Dalrymple, D Brossard, DA Scheufele, AC Gunther
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 22 (2), 181-203, 2010
Just turn on the faucet: A content analysis of PSAs about the global water crisis on YouTube
JMT Krajewski, AC Schumacher, KE Dalrymple
Environmental Communication 13 (2), 255-275, 2019
# Engagement: use of Twitter chats to construct nominal participatory spaces during health crises
R Young, M Tully, KE Dalrymple
Information, Communication & Society 21 (4), 499-515, 2018
Contextualizing nonprofits’ use of links on Twitter during the West African Ebola virus epidemic
M Tully, KE Dalrymple, R Young
Communication Studies 70 (3), 313-331, 2019
Strategic Communication
A Dudo, L Kahlor
New York: Routledge, https://doi. org/10.4324/9781315644943, 2017
Local government perspectives on collaborative governance: A comparative analysis of Iowa's watershed management authorities
L Yoder, AS Ward, S Spak, KE Dalrymple
Policy Studies Journal 49 (4), 1087-1109, 2021
Factors associated with behavioral compliance to prevent the spread of viral hemorrhagic septicemia
BR Shaw, KE Dalrymple, D Brossard
The Journal of Extension 50 (2), 65, 2012
Profile of a political tweeter: A survey of Twitter users who follow political candidates
L Bode, KE Dalrymple, D Shah
Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2011
Finally informing the electorate
KE Dalrymple, DA Scheufele
How the, 2007
The promise of participatory media: Identifying the potential roles of influential content generators in prosocial strategic communication
KE Dalrymple, R Young
Strategic Communication, 42-65, 2016
Twitter Chats and Public Engagement: Examining Concern and Critique in Questions About the Ebola Epidemic
R Young, K Dalrymple, M Tully
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Articles 1–20