Susanne Schwab
Susanne Schwab
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Parents’ attitudes towards inclusive education and their perceptions of inclusive teaching practices and resources
A Paseka, S Schwab
European journal of special needs education 35 (2), 254-272, 2020
Differentiation and individualisation in inclusive education: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
KT Lindner, S Schwab
International journal of inclusive education, 1-21, 2020
Teacher efficacy predicts teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion–a longitudinal cross-lagged analysis
H Savolainen, OP Malinen, S Schwab
International journal of inclusive education 26 (9), 958-972, 2022
Social dimensions of inclusion in education of 4th and 7th grade pupils in inclusive and regular classes: Outcomes from Austria
S Schwab
Research in developmental disabilities 43, 72-79, 2015
Meta-analysis of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education
A Yada, M Leskinen, H Savolainen, S Schwab
Teaching and Teacher Education 109, 103521, 2022
The impact of contact on students’ attitudes towards peers with disabilities
S Schwab
Research in developmental disabilities 62, 160-165, 2017
Einstellungen von LehrerInnen zur schulischen Integration von Kindern mit einem sonderpädagogischen Förderbedarf in Österreich
M Gebhardt, S Schwab, H Reicher, B Ellmeier, S Gmeiner, P Rossmann, ...
Empirische Sonderpädagogik 3 (4), 275-290, 2011
Linking self-rated social inclusion to social behaviour. An empirical study of students with and without special education needs in secondary schools
S Schwab, M Gebhardt, M Krammer, B Gasteiger-Klicpera
European Journal of Special Needs Education 30 (1), 1-14, 2015
Attitudes and experiences of parents regarding inclusive and special school education for children with learning and intellectual disabilities
B Gasteiger-Klicpera, C Klicpera, M Gebhardt, S Schwab
International Journal of Inclusive Education 17 (7), 663-681, 2013
General and special education teachers' perceptions of teamwork in inclusive classrooms at elementary and secondary schools
M Gebhardt, S Schwab, M Krammer, A Gegenfurtner
Journal for educational research online 7 (2), 129-146, 2015
Inclusive and special education in Europe
S Schwab
Oxford research encyclopedia of education, 2020
How inclusive are the teaching practices of my German, Maths and English teachers?–psychometric properties of a newly developed scale to assess personalisation and …
S Schwab, U Sharma, L Hoffmann
International Journal of Inclusive Education 26 (1), 61-76, 2022
Attitudes Towards Inclusive Schooling: A Study on Students', Teachers' and Parents' attitudes
S Schwab
Waxmann Verlag, 2018
Are we included? Secondary students' perception of inclusion climate in their schools
S Schwab, U Sharma, T Loreman
Teaching and Teacher Education 75, 31-39, 2018
Perceived differentiation and personalization teaching approaches in inclusive classrooms: Perspectives of students and teachers
KT Lindner, GH Alnahdi, S Wahl, S Schwab
Frontiers in Education 4, 58, 2019
Teachers’ student-specific self-efficacy in relation to teacher and student variables
S Schwab
Educational Psychology 39 (1), 4-18, 2019
Einstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden und Pädagogikstudierenden zur schulischen Inklusion–Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Untersuchung
S Schwab, S Seifert
Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung 5 (1), 73-87, 2015
Teaching Practices and Beliefs about Inclusion of General and Special Needs Teachers in Austria.
S Schwab, A Holzinger, M Krammer, M Gebhardt, MGP Hessels
Learning disabilities: A contemporary journal 13 (2), 237-254, 2015
Überprüfung von Messinvarianz mittels CFA und DIF-Analysen
S Schwab, C Helm
Empirische Sonderpädagogik 7 (3), 175-193, 2015
Do they practise what they preach? Factors associated with teachers’ use of inclusive teaching practices among in‐service teachers
S Schwab, G H Alnahdi
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 20 (4), 321-330, 2020
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