Daniel Kyungdeock Park
Daniel Kyungdeock Park
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Quantum convolutional neural network for classical data classification
T Hur, L Kim, DK Park
Quantum Machine Intelligence 4 (1), 3, 2022
A divide-and-conquer algorithm for quantum state preparation
IF Araujo, DK Park, F Petruccione, AJ da Silva
Scientific reports 11 (1), 6329, 2021
Circuit-based quantum random access memory for classical data
DK Park, F Petruccione, JKK Rhee
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3949, 2019
Quantum classifier with tailored quantum kernel
C Blank, DK Park, JKK Rhee, F Petruccione
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 41, 2020
Three path interference using nuclear magnetic resonance: a test of the consistency of Born's rule
DK Park, O Moussa, R Laflamme
New Journal of Physics 14 (11), 113025, 2012
The theory of the quantum kernel-based binary classifier
DK Park, C Blank, F Petruccione
Physics Letters A 384 (21), 126422, 2020
Estimating the coherence of noise in quantum control of a solid-state qubit
G Feng, JJ Wallman, B Buonacorsi, FH Cho, DK Park, T Xin, D Lu, ...
Physical review letters 117 (26), 260501, 2016
Linear-depth quantum circuits for multiqubit controlled gates
AJ Da Silva, DK Park
Physical Review A 106 (4), 042602, 2022
Quantum error mitigation with artificial neural network
C Kim, KD Park, JK Rhee
IEEE Access 8, 188853-188860, 2020
Recent advances in nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processing
B Criger, G Passante, D Park, R Laflamme
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2012
Circuit-based quantum random access memory for classical data with continuous amplitudes
TML De Veras, ICS De Araujo, DK Park, AJ Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Computers 70 (12), 2125-2135, 2020
Heat bath algorithmic cooling with spins: review and prospects
DK Park, NA Rodriguez-Briones, G Feng, R Rahimi, J Baugh, R Laflamme
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Based Quantum Computing, 227-255, 2016
Configurable sublinear circuits for quantum state preparation
IF Araujo, DK Park, TB Ludermir, WR Oliveira, F Petruccione, AJ Da Silva
Quantum Information Processing 22 (2), 123, 2023
Hyperfine spin qubits in irradiated malonic acid: heat-bath algorithmic cooling
DK Park, G Feng, R Rahimi, S Labruyère, T Shibata, S Nakazawa, K Sato, ...
Quantum Information Processing 14, 2435-2461, 2015
Parallel quantum trajectories via forking for sampling without redundancy
DK Park, I Sinayskiy, M Fingerhuth, F Petruccione, JKK Rhee
New Journal of Physics 21 (8), 083024, 2019
Quantum-enhanced analysis of discrete stochastic processes
C Blank, DK Park, F Petruccione
npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 126, 2021
Classical-to-quantum convolutional neural network transfer learning
J Kim, J Huh, DK Park
Neurocomputing 555, 126643, 2023
Quantum readout error mitigation via deep learning
J Kim, B Oh, Y Chong, E Hwang, DK Park
New Journal of Physics 24 (7), 073009, 2022
Quantum-inspired algorithm for direct multi-class classification
R Giuntini, F Holik, DK Park, H Freytes, C Blank, G Sergioli
Applied Soft Computing 134, 109956, 2023
Randomized benchmarking of quantum gates implemented by electron spin resonance
DK Park, G Feng, R Rahimi, J Baugh, R Laflamme
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 267, 68-78, 2016
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