Peter van Rossum
Peter van Rossum
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Dismantling Mifare Classic
FD Garcia, G de Koning Gans, R Muijrers, P van Rossum, R Verdult, ...
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 97-114, 2008
Wirelessly pickpocketing a Mifare Classic card
FD Garcia, P van Rossum, R Verdult, R Wichers Schreur
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 3-15, 2009
Provable anonymity
FD Garcia, I Hasuo, W Pieters, P van Rossum
ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering, 63-72, 2005
Efficient satisfiability modulo theories via delayed theory combination
M Bozzano, R Bruttomesso, A Cimatti, T Junttila, S Ranise, P van Rossum, ...
Computer Aided Verification, 443-454, 2005
MathSAT: Tight integration of SAT and mathematical decision procedures
M Bozzano, R Bruttomesso, A Cimatti, T Junttila, P van Rossum, S Schulz, ...
SAT 2005, 265-293, 2006
An incremental and layered procedure for the satisfiability of linear arithmetic logic
M Bozzano, R Bruttomesso, A Cimatti, T Junttila, P van Rossum, S Schulz, ...
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 317-333, 2005
Efficient theory combination via Boolean search
M Bozzano, R Bruttomesso, A Cimatti, T Junttila, S Ranise, P van Rossum, ...
Information and Computation 204 (10), 1493-1525, 2006
Significant diagnostic counterexamples in probabilistic model checking
ME Andrés, P D’Argenio, P van Rossum
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing, 129-148, 2009
The Mathsat 3 system
M Bozzano, R Bruttomesso, A Cimatti, T Junttila, P van Rossum, S Schulz, ...
Automated Deduction–CADE-20, 315-321, 2005
Computing the leakage of information-hiding systems
ME Andrés, C Palamidessi, P van Rossum, G Smith
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 373-389, 2010
Information hiding in probabilistic concurrent systems
ME Andrés, C Palamidessi, P van Rossum, A Sokolova
Theoretical Computer Science 412 (28), 3072-3089, 2011
Dismantling SecureMemory, CryptoMemory and CryptoRF
FD Garcia, P van Rossum, R Verdult, R Wichers Schreur
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2010
Modeling privacy for off-line RFID systems
FD Garcia, P van Rossum
Smart Card Research and Advanced Application, 194-208, 2010
Conditional probabilities over probabilistic and nondeterministic systems
ME Andrés, P van Rossum
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 157-172, 2008
Security flaw in Mifare Classic
RW Schreur, P van Rossum, F Garcia, W Teepe, JH Hoepman, B Jacobs, ...
Press release, Digital Security group, Radboud University Nijmegen, The …, 2008
Probabilistic anonymity and admissible schedulers
FD Garcia, P van Rossum, A Sokolova
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0706.1019, 2007
The stable equivalence and cancellation problems
L Makar-Limanov, P van Rossum, V Shpilrain, JT Yu
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 79 (2), 341-349, 2004
Sound computational interpretation of symbolic hashes in the standard model
FD Garcia, P van Rossum
Advances in Information and Computer Security, 33-47, 2006
Triangular derivations related to problems on affine n-space
A van den Essen, P van Rossum
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 130 (5), 1311-1322, 2002
Computational soundness of non-malleable commitments
D Galindo, FD Garcia, P van Rossum
Information Security Practice and Experience, 361-376, 2008
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