Dr. M. Rohangis Mohseni
Dr. M. Rohangis Mohseni
Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter, Technische Universität Ilmenau
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Cited by
Press CRTT to measure aggressive behavior: the unstandardized use of the competitive reaction time task in aggression research.
M Elson, MR Mohseni, J Breuer, M Scharkow, T Quandt
Psychological assessment 26 (2), 419, 2014
Male dominance and sexism on YouTube: results of three content analyses
N Döring, MR Mohseni
Feminist Media Studies 19 (4), 512-524, 2019
Design, use, and effects of sex dolls and sex robots: Scoping review
N Döring, MR Mohseni, R Walter
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (7), e18551, 2020
Gendered hate speech in YouTube and YouNow comments: Results of two content analyses
N Döring, MR Mohseni
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2020
Are online sexual activities and sexting good for adults’ sexual well-being? Results from a national online survey
N Döring, MR Mohseni
International Journal of Sexual Health 30 (3), 250-263, 2018
Fail videos and related video comments on YouTube: a case of sexualization of women and gendered hate speech?
N Döring, MR Mohseni
Communication research reports 36 (3), 254-264, 2019
Der Gender Orgasm Gap. Ein kritischer Forschungsüberblick zu Geschlechterdifferenzen in der Orgasmus-Häufigkeit beim Heterosex
N Döring, MR Mohseni
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 35 (02), 73-87, 2022
Playing for the thrill and skill. Quiz games as means for mood and competence repair
K Koban, J Breuer, D Rieger, MR Mohseni, S Noack, G Bente, P Ohler
Media Psychology 22 (5), 743-768, 2019
Extensive modding for experimental game research
MR Mohseni, B Liebold, D Pietschmann
Game Research Methods, 323-340, 2015
Mobiles Lernen
N Döring, MR Mohseni
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2018
New formats, new methods: Computational approaches as a way forward for media entertainment research
J Breuer, T Wulf, MR Mohseni
Media and Communication 8 (3), 147-152, 2020
Motives of online hate speech: results from a quota sample online survey
MR Mohseni
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 26 (7), 499-506, 2023
Auswirkung von moralthematischem Kontext, sozialem Geschlecht und Angstbewältigungsstrategien auf die Bereitschaft zu zivilcouragiertem Handeln: eine empirische Untersuchung
MR Mohseni
Sexistische Online-Hassrede auf Videoplattformen
MR Mohseni
Hate Speech-Multidisziplinäre Analysen und Handlungsoptionen: Theoretische …, 2021
Research in brief: How prevalent is rough sex? Results from a national online sample of adults in Germany
N Döring, MR Mohseni, L Pietras, A Dekker, P Briken
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 2024
The gender orgasm gap: A critical research review on gender differences in orgasm frequency during heterosex
N Doering, MR Mohseni
Zeitschrift fur Sexualforschung 35 (02), 73-87, 2022
Using YouTube data for social science research
J Breuer, J Kohne, MR Mohseni
Research Handbook on Digital Sociology, 258-277, 2023
Digitale interpersonale Gewalt und Aggression: Forschungsstand und medienpädagogische Herausforderungen
N Döring, MR Mohseni
merz| medien+ erziehung 64 (1), 14-23, 2020
Virtuelle Nothilfe-Ein Experiment zum Effekt von virtueller Hilfe, Gewalt und Nothilfe auf Hilfe-und Gewaltverhalten
MR Mohseni
Overview of Working with Data from YouTube
A Deubel, J Breuer, J Kohne, MR Mohseni …, 2024
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Articles 1–20