Luara Tourinho
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Endemic birds of the Atlantic Forest: traits, conservation status, and patterns of biodiversity
MM Vale, L Tourinho, ML Lorini, H Rajão, MSL Figueiredo
Journal of Field Ornithology 89 (3), 193-206, 2018
Choosing among correlative, mechanistic, and hybrid models of species’ niche and distribution
L Tourinho, MM Vale
Integrative Zoology 18 (1), 93-109, 2023
Reforestation can compensate negative effects of climate change on amphibians
Q Ramalho, L Tourinho, M Almeida-Gomes, MM Vale, JA Prevedello
Biological Conservation 260, 109187, 2021
A less data demanding ecophysiological niche modeling approach for mammals with comparison to conventional correlative niche modeling
L Tourinho, B Sinervo, GH de Oliveira Caetano, MM Vale
Ecological Modelling 457, 109687, 2021
Macroscale climate change predictions have little influence on landscape-scale habitat suitability
L Tourinho, JA Prevedello, BM Carvalho, DSB Rocha, MM Vale
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 20 (1), 29-37, 2022
Ecosystem services delivered by Brazilian mammals: spatial and taxonomic patterns and comprehensive list of species
MM Vale, MV Vieira, CEV Grelle, S Manes, APF Pires, RH Tardin, ...
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 21 (4), 302-310, 2023
Integrating climate, ecophysiology, and forest cover to estimate the vulnerability of sloths to climate change
L Tourinho, B Sinervo, GHO Caetano, GAF Giné, CC Dos Santos, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 103 (4), 755-766, 2022
A participatory approach to map strategic areas for conservation and restoration at a regional scale
L Tourinho, SM de Brito Alves, FBL da Silva, M Verdi, N Roque, ...
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 21 (1), 52-61, 2023
Regional variation in responses of a vulnerable bird species to land‐use and climate change
AC Almeida, L Tourinho, Q Ramalho, CN Jenkins, M Almeida‐Gomes
Biotropica 54 (5), 1190-1204, 2022
Ontogenetic variation in the predatory behavior of the orb-weaver spider Azilia histrio: detecting changes in behavioral organization
L Tourinho, A de Almeida Mendonça, HF Japyassú
Journal of ethology 34, 219-229, 2016
Impacts of climate change on slow metabolism mammals: An ecophysiological perspective
L Tourinho, B Sinervo, GH de Oliveira Caetano, N Attias, MM Vale
Ecological Informatics 78, 102367, 2023
Bioindicator aquatic insects at risk from climate change in a biodiversity hotspot
NF Souza, JS Leal, L Tourinho, VF Farjalla, DSB Rocha, MM Vale
Science of The Total Environment 948, 174824, 2024
Projected impacts of climate change on ecosystem services provided by terrestrial mammals in Brazil
L Tourinho, S Manes, APF Pires, JC Nabout, JAF Diniz-Filho, LC Terribile, ...
Ecosystem Services 71, 101687, 2025
Guiding transdisciplinary synthesis processes for social-ecological policy decisions
JP Metzger, C Joly, G Sparovek, R Pardini, P Ruggiero, G di Giulio, ...
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 22 (4), 315-327, 2024
Potencial do serviço ecossistêmico de polinização: no estado de São Paulo
DB Eduardo Freitas Moreira, Luara Tourinho, Rafael B. Chaves, Blandina ...
15 anos da Rede Clima: Contexto histórico e político das mudanças climáticas no Brasil – análises e caminhos para o agora
M Vale, L Tourinho, G Tessarolo, FW Frangetto, G Luedemann
Juçara palm ecological interactions threatened by climate and land-cover changes
R de Cássia Quitete Portela, L Tourinho, TV dos Santos, MM Vale
Biotropica, 1-10, 2023
Divulgando ciência O que alguns cientistas fazem e como isso afeta a sua vida!
Q Ramalho, L Tourinho, M Almeida-Gomes, JA Prevedello
Divulgando ciência O que alguns cientistas fazem e como isso afeta a sua …, 2020
Sapos além do brejo: como a cobertura florestal influencia na distribuição de anuros
QMR Silva, L Tourinho, MM Vale, MA Gomes, JA Prevedello
Galoá, 2019
Predicciones de Cambio Climático en Iberoamérica
MM Vale, L Gómez Aparicio, JJ Armesto, L Tourinho, VF Farjalla
ACCI, 2018
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