Victor Smetacek
Victor Smetacek
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
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Biogeochemical controls and feedbacks on ocean primary production
PG Falkowski, RT Barber, V Smetacek
science 281 (5374), 200-206, 1998
The global carbon cycle: a test of our knowledge of earth as a system
P Falkowski, RJ Scholes, EEA Boyle, J Canadell, D Canfield, J Elser, ...
science 290 (5490), 291-296, 2000
Mesoscale iron enrichment experiments 1993-2005: synthesis and future directions
PW Boyd, T Jickells, CS Law, S Blain, EA Boyle, KO Buesseler, KH Coale, ...
science 315 (5812), 612-617, 2007
Pelagic ecosystem structure: Heterotrophic compartments of the plankton and their relationship to plankton size fractions 1
JMN Sieburth, V Smetacek, J Lenz
Limnology and oceanography 23 (6), 1256-1263, 1978
Role of sinking in diatom life-history cycles: ecological, evolutionary and geological significance
VS Smetacek
Marine biology 84, 239-251, 1985
Architecture and material properties of diatom shells provide effective mechanical protection
CE Hamm, R Merkel, O Springer, P Jurkojc, C Maier, K Prechtel, ...
Nature 421 (6925), 841-843, 2003
Importance of iron for plankton blooms and carbon dioxide drawdown in the Southern Ocean
HJW De Baar, JTM de Jong, DCE Bakker, BM Löscher, C Veth, ...
Nature 373 (6513), 412-415, 1995
Green and golden seaweed tides on the rise
V Smetacek, A Zingone
Nature 504 (7478), 84-88, 2013
Organism life cycles, predation, and the structure of marine pelagic ecosystems
PG Verity, V Smetacek
Marine Ecology Progress Series 130, 277-293, 1996
Carbon dioxide limitation of marine phytoplankton growth rates
U Riebesell, DA Wolf-Gladrow, V Smetacek
Nature 361 (6409), 249-251, 1993
Diatoms and the ocean carbon cycle
V Smetacek
Protist 150 (1), 25-32, 1999
Ocean productivity and paleoproductivity—an overview
WH Berger, VS Smetacek, G Wefer
Productivity of the ocean: present and past 44, 1-34, 1989
Polar ocean ecosystems in a changing world
V Smetacek, S Nicol
Nature 437 (7057), 362-368, 2005
Whales as marine ecosystem engineers
J Roman, JA Estes, L Morissette, C Smith, D Costa, J McCarthy, JB Nation, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (7), 377-385, 2014
Primary productivity of planet earth: biological determinants and physical constraints in terrestrial and aquatic habitats
RJ Geider, EH Delucia, PG Falkowski, AC Finzi, JP Grime, J Grace, ...
Global change biology 7 (8), 849-882, 2001
Aldehyde suppression of copepod recruitment in blooms of a ubiquitous planktonic diatom
A Ianora, A Miralto, SA Poulet, Y Carotenuto, I Buttino, G Romano, ...
Nature 429 (6990), 403-407, 2004
Deep carbon export from a Southern Ocean iron-fertilized diatom bloom
V Smetacek, C Klaas, VH Strass, P Assmy, M Montresor, B Cisewski, ...
Nature 487 (7407), 313-319, 2012
The annual cycle of protozooplankton in the Kiel Bight
V Smetacek
Marine Biology 63, 1-11, 1981
The possible role of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona in retarding vertical flux of zooplankton faecal material
HE Gonzalez, V Smetacek
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 233-246, 1994
The role of grazing in structuring Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles
V Smetacek, P Assmy, J Henjes
Antarctic science 16 (4), 541-558, 2004
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