Dr Jonas Schoenefeld
Dr Jonas Schoenefeld
Institut Wohnen und Umwelt (IWU)
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Zitiert von
Emergence of polycentric climate governance and its future prospects
AJ Jordan, D Huitema, M Hildén, H Van Asselt, TJ Rayner, ...
Nature Climate Change 5 (11), 977-982, 2015
Governing climate change polycentrically
A Jordan, D Huitema, J Schoenefeld, H Van Asselt, J Forster
Governing climate change: Polycentricity in action, 3-26, 2018
Collective climate action and networked climate governance
J Tosun, JJ Schoenefeld
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 8 (1), e440, 2017
Governing policy evaluation? Towards a new typology
J Schoenefeld, A Jordan
Evaluation 23 (3), 274-293, 2017
Local is not always better: the impact of climate information on values, behavior and policy support
JJ Schoenefeld, MR McCauley
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 6, 724-732, 2016
Environmental policy evaluation in the EU: between learning, accountability, and political opportunities
JJ Schoenefeld, AJ Jordan
The future of European Union environmental politics and policy, 179-198, 2020
The challenges of monitoring national climate policy: learning lessons from the EU
JJ Schoenefeld, M Hildén, AJ Jordan
Climate Policy 18 (1), 118-128, 2018
Interest groups, NGOs or civil society organisations? The framing of non-state actors in the EU
JJ Schoenefeld
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 32 …, 2021
The diffusion of climate change adaptation policy
JJ Schoenefeld, K Schulze, N Bruch
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (3), e775, 2022
The European Green Deal: What prospects for governing climate change with policy monitoring?
JJ Schoenefeld
Politics and Governance 9 (3), 370-379, 2021
Softening the surface but hardening the core? Governing renewable energy in the EU
JJ Schoenefeld, M Knodt
West European Politics 44 (1), 49-71, 2021
Policy monitoring in the EU: The impact of institutions, implementation, and quality
JJ Schoenefeld, K Schulze, M Hildén, AJ Jordan
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60 (4), 719-741, 2019
Towards harder soft governance? Monitoring climate policy in the EU
JJ Schoenefeld, AJ Jordan
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 22 (6), 774-786, 2020
The politicisation of evaluation: Constructing and contesting EU policy performance
PJ Stephenson, JJ Schoenefeld, FL Leeuw
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60 (4), 663-679, 2019
The challenging paths to net-zero emissions: Insights from the monitoring of national policy mixes
JJ Schoenefeld, K Schulze, M Hildén, AJ Jordan
The International Spectator 56 (3), 24-40, 2021
What motivates and hinders municipal adaptation policy? Exploring vertical and horizontal diffusion in Hessen and Finland
JJ Schoenefeld, M Hildén, K Schulze, J Sorvali
Regional Environmental Change 23 (2), 53, 2023
Parteiendifferenz in der lokalen Klimapolitik? Eine empirische Analyse der hessischen Klima-Kommunen
K Schulze, JJ Schoenefeld
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 15 (4), 525-550, 2022
Becoming Our Own Leaders: Decision-Making at School and Home.
R Rubin, J Schoenefeld
Reclaiming Children & Youth 18 (3), 2009
Monitoring energy policy
JJ Schoenefeld, T Rayner
Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe, 2019
The evaluation of polycentric climate governance
JJ Schoenefeld
Cambridge University Press, 2023
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