Dr. Patrick Meyer
Dr. Patrick Meyer
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair Innovation & Value Creation, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
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Zitiert von
Frontline Employees’ Acceptance of and Resistance to Service Robots in Stationary Retail–An Exploratory Interview Study
P Meyer, JM Jonas, A Roth
Journal of Service Management Research 4 (1), 21-34, 2020
Service robots in organisational frontlines—A retail managers’ perspective
P Meyer, A Roth, K Gutknecht
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 70, 103173, 2023
Exploring Customers' Acceptance of and Resistance to Service robots in stationary Retail-a mixed method Approach.
P Meyer, JM Jonas, A Roth
ECIS, 2020
Humanoide Serviceroboter am PoS. Eine akzeptanzanalytische Untersuchung neuer Formen der Kundeninteraktion
P Meyer, P Spreer, K Gutknecht
Marketing Review St. Gallen 6 (35), 18-25, 2018
Decoding the context of servitization: socio-technical pivots on the journey to service-oriented business models in manufacturing firms
J Kurtz, P Meyer, A Roth
Production Planning & Control, 2023
Managing robotics in retail: a service systems perspective
P Meyer
Springer Nature, 2022
Shake Hands with a Robot: Understanding Frontstage Employees’ Adoption of Service Robots in Retailing
P Meyer, P Spreer, K Gutknecht
Marketing Review St. Gallen 5, 46-54, 2022
Potentiale von Servicerobotern am Point of Sale
P Meyer, A Roth, K Gutknecht, KM Möslein
Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 225-246, 2023
Structuring the servitization journey – A socio-technical methodology for developing platform-based smart PSS
J Kurtz, P Meyer, N Lugmair, A Roth
10th International Conference on Business Servitization, 115-121, 2023
Servitization in Germany – Establishing the context of servitization in manufacturing firms
J Kurtz, P Meyer, A Roth
9th International Conference on Business Servitization, 173-180, 2022
CH BECK· Vahlen· Munich
S Paluch, J Wirtz, N Fukawa, P Meyer, JM Jonas, A Roth, ...
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