Suraj S Hegde
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Cited by
Interactions and Mobility Edges: Observing the Generalized Aubry-André Model
FA An, K Padavić, EJ Meier, S Hegde, S Ganeshan, JH Pixley, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (4), 040603, 2021
Majorana wave-function oscillations, fermion parity switches, and disorder in Kitaev chains
SS Hegde, S Vishveshwara
Physical Review B 94 (11), 115166, 2016
Physics of the Inverted Harmonic Oscillator: From the lowest Landau level to event horizons
V Subramanyan, SS Hegde, S Vishveshwara, B Bradlyn
arXiv:2012.09875, 2020
Quench dynamics and parity blocking in Majorana wires
S Hegde, V Shivamoggi, S Vishveshwara, D Sen
New Journal of Physics 17 (5), 053036, 2015
Topological phases, edge modes, and the Hofstadter butterfly in coupled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger systems
K Padavić, SS Hegde, W DeGottardi, S Vishveshwara
Physical Review B 98 (2), 024205, 2018
Quasinormal Modes and the Hawking-Unruh Effect in Quantum Hall Systems: Lessons from Black Hole Phenomena
SS Hegde, V Subramanyan, B Bradlyn, S Vishveshwara
Physical review letters 123 (15), 156802, 2019
A topological Josephson junction platform for creating, manipulating, and braiding Majorana bound states
SS Hegde, G Yue, Y Wang, E Huemiller, DJ Van Harlingen, ...
Annals of Physics 423, 168326, 2020
Interplay of disorder and point-gap topology: Chiral modes, localization, and non-Hermitian Anderson skin effect in one dimension
R Sarkar, SS Hegde, A Narayan
Physical Review B 106 (1), 014207, 2022
Chiral metals and entrapped insulators in a one-dimensional topological non-Hermitian system
A Banerjee, SS Hegde, A Agarwala, A Narayan
Physical Review B 105 (20), 205403, 2022
Observation of tunable mobility edges in generalized Aubry-Andr\'{e} lattices
FA An, K Padavić, EJ Meier, S Hegde, S Ganeshan, JH Pixley, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.01393, 2020
Theory of competing charge density wave, Kekulé, and antiferromagnetically ordered fractional quantum Hall states in graphene aligned with boron nitride
SS Hegde, IS Villadiego
Physical Review B 105 (19), 195417, 2022
Black hole mirages: Electron lensing and Berry curvature effects in inhomogeneously tilted Weyl semimetals
A Haller, S Hegde, C Xu, C De Beule, TL Schmidt, T Meng
SciPost Physics 14 (5), 119, 2023
Edge-selective extremal damping from topological heritage of dissipative Chern insulators
SS Hegde, T Ehmcke, T Meng
Physical Review Letters 131 (25), 256601, 2023
Thermal radiation as a probe of one-dimensional electron liquids
W DeGottardi, MJ Gullans, S Hegde, S Vishveshwara, M Hafezi
Physical Review B 99 (23), 235124, 2019
Optical analogues of spherically symmetric black hole spacetimes
SS Hegde, CV Vishveshwara
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 484 (1), 012017, 2014
Topological phases, non-equilibrium dynamics and parallels of black hole phenomena in condensed matter
SS Hegde
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019
1D Localization-Delocalization Physics and Toroidal Representations of Transfer Matrices
K Padavic, S Hegde, S Vishveshwara
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, S24. 009, 2019
Analytical Theory of Optical Black Hole Analogues
SS Hegde, CV Vishveshwara
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.5148, 2012
Black hole mirages: electron lensing and Berry curvature effects in inhomogeneously tilted Weyl semimetals Submission/2210.16254 v2: Reply to Reports
A Haller, S Hegde, C Xu, C De Beule, TL Schmidt, T Meng
Critical Phenomena in Stationary Black Hole Spacetimes
SS Hegde
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Articles 1–20