Collins Okon EDET
Collins Okon EDET
University of Cross River State, Calabar, Nigeria
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Bound state solutions of the Schrodinger equation for the modified Kratzer potential plus screened Coulomb potential
CO Edet, US Okorie, AT Ngiangia, AN Ikot
Indian Journal of Physics 94, 425–433, 2019
Thermal properties of Deng–Fan–Eckart potential model using Poisson summation approach
CO Edet, US Okorie, G Osobonye, AN Ikot, GJ Rampho, R Server
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 1-25, 2020
Thermodynamic properties of Aharanov–Bohm (AB) and magnetic fields with screened Kratzer potential
AN Ikot, CO Edet, PO Amadi, US Okorie, GJ Rampho, HY Abdullah
European Physical Journal D 74 (159), 1-13, 2020
Trend analysis of temperature in Gombe state using Mann Kendall trend test
A UU, AS Yusuf, CO Edet, CO Oche, EP Agbo
Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 2018
The Nikiforov–Uvarov-functional analysis (NUFA) method: a new approach for solving exponential-type potentials
AN Ikot, US Okorie, PO Amadi, CO Edet, GJ Rampho, R Sever
Few-Body Systems 62, 1-16, 2021
Superstatistics of Schrodinger equation with pseudo-harmonic potential in external magnetic and Aharanov-Bohm fields
AN Ikot, US Okorie, G Osobonye, PO Amadi, CO Edet, MJ Sithole, ...
Heliyon 6 (4), 1-8, 2020
Any l-State Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation for q-Deformed Hulthen Plus Generalized Inverse Quadratic Yukawa Potential in Arbitrary Dimensions
CO Edet, PO Okoi
Revista Mexicana de Física 65 (4), 333-344, 2019
Any l-state solutions of the Schrodinger equation interacting with Hellmann–Kratzer potential model
CO Edet, KO Okorie, H Louis, NA Nzeata-Ibe
Indian Journal Physics 94 (2), 243–251, 2019
Solar energy: A panacea for the electricity generation crisis in Nigeria
EP Agbo, CO Edet, TO Magu, AO Njok, CM Ekpo, H Louis
Heliyon 7 (5), 2021
Bound state solutions of the Schrödinger equation with energy-dependent molecular Kratzer potential via asymptotic iteration method
AN Ikot, U Okorie, AT Ngiagian, CA Onate, CO Edet, IO Akpan, PO Amadi
Eclética Química Journal 45 (1), 65-76, 2020
Energy spectra and thermal properties of diatomic molecules in the presence of magnetic and AB fields with improved Kratzer potential
GJ Rampho, AN Ikot, CO Edet, US Okorie
Molecular Physics, 1-17, 2020
Effects of Topological Defect on the Energy Spectra and Thermo-magnetic Properties of Diatomic Molecule
CO Edet, AN Ikot
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 203 (1), 84-111, 2021
Thermodynamic functions for diatomic molecules with modified Kratzer plus screened Coulomb potential
US Okorie, CO Edet, AN Ikot, GJ Rampho, R Sever
Indian Journal of Physics, 1-11, 2020
Thermal properties and magnetic susceptibility of Hellmann potential in Aharonov–Bohm (AB) flux and magnetic fields at zero and finite temperatures
CO Edet, PO Amadi, MC Onyeaju, US Okorie, R Sever, GJ Rampho, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 202, 83-105, 2021
Solutions of the Klein Gordon equation with generalized hyperbolic potential in D-dimensions
US Okorie, AN Ikot, CO Edet, GJ Rampho, R Sever, IO Akpan
Journal of Physics Communications 3 (9), 095015, 2019
Analytic solutions of the Schrödinger equation with non-central generalized inverse quadratic Yukawa potential
CO Edet, PO Okoi, SO Chima
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 42 (e20190083), 1-9, 2019
Relativistic Treatment of the Hellmann-generalized Morse potential
PO Okoi, CO Edet, TO Magu
Revista Mexicana de Física 66 (1), 1-13, 2020
Shannon information entropy in the presence of magnetic and Aharanov–Bohm (AB) fields
CO Edet, AN Ikot
The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 1-11, 2021
Analyzing the Effects of Topological Defect (TD) on the Energy Spectra and Thermal Properties of LiH, TiC and I2 Diatomic Molecules
P Nwabuzor, C Edet, A Ndem Ikot, U Okorie, M Ramantswana, ...
Entropy 23 (8), 1060, 2021
Solutions of Schrodinger equation and thermal properties of generalized trigonometric Poschl-Teller potential.
CO Edet, PO Amadi, US Okorie, A Tas, AN Ikot, G Rampho
Revista Mexicana de Física, 824-839, 2020
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