Maximilian P. E. Lock
Maximilian P. E. Lock
Atominstitut, TU Wien
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Trinity of relational quantum dynamics
PA Höhn, ARH Smith, MPE Lock
Physical Review D 104 (6), 066001, 2021
Equivalence of approaches to relational quantum dynamics in relativistic settings
PA Höhn, ARH Smith, MPE Lock
Frontiers in Physics 9, 181, 2021
Landauer versus Nernst: What is the true cost of cooling a quantum system?
P Taranto, F Bakhshinezhad, A Bluhm, R Silva, N Friis, MPE Lock, ...
PRX Quantum 4 (1), 010332, 2023
Quantum relativity of subsystems
SA Ahmad, TD Galley, PA Höhn, MPE Lock, ARH Smith
Physical Review Letters 128 (17), 170401, 2022
Autonomous temporal probability concentration: Clockworks and the second law of thermodynamics
E Schwarzhans, MPE Lock, P Erker, N Friis, M Huber
Physical Review X 11 (1), 011046, 2021
Universal quantum modifications to general relativistic time dilation in delocalised clocks
S Khandelwal, MPE Lock, MP Woods
Quantum 4, 309, 2020
Dynamical Casimir effect in curved spacetime
MPE Lock, I Fuentes
New Journal of Physics 19 (7), 073005, 2017
On the nature of long range electronic coupling in a medium: Distance and orientational dependence for chromophores in molecular aggregates
MPE Lock, DL Andrews, GA Jones
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (4), 2014
Frequency spectrum of an optical resonator in a curved spacetime
D Rätzel, F Schneiter, D Braun, T Bravo, R Howl, MPE Lock, I Fuentes
New Journal of Physics 20 (5), 053046, 2018
Relativistic quantum clocks
MPE Lock, I Fuentes
Time in Physics, 51-68, 2017
The trinity of relational quantum dynamics (2019)
PA Hoehn, ARH Smith, MPE Lock
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.00033, 0
Quantum measurements and equilibration: the emergence of objective reality via entropy maximisation
E Schwarzhans, FC Binder, M Huber, MPE Lock
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.11253, 2023
Quantum and classical effects in a light-clock falling in Schwarzschild geometry
MPE Lock, I Fuentes
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (17), 175007, 2019
The Trinity of Relational Quantum Dynamics. arXiv 2019
PA Hoehn, ARH Smith, MPE Lock
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.00033, 0
Relational dynamics with periodic clocks
L Chataignier, PA Höhn, MPE Lock, FM Mele
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.06479, 2024
Equivalence of approaches to relational quantum dynamics in relativistic settings. arXiv 2020
P Höhn, ARH Smith, MPE Lock
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.00580, 0
Landauer vs. Nernst: what is the true cost of cooling a quantum system? 2021
P Taranto, F Bakhshinezhad, A Bluhm, R Silva, N Friis, MP Lock, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05151, 0
Time in Physics
MPE Lock, I Fuentes
Springer, 2017
Landauer Versus Nernst: What is the True Cost of Cooling a Quantum System? PRX Quantum 4, 010332 (2023)
P Taranto, F Bakhshinezhad, A Bluhm, R Silva, N Friis, MPE Lock, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05151, 0
General relativistic time dilation and increased uncertainty in generic quantum clocks
S Khandelwal, MPE Lock, MP Woods
arXiv, 1904.02178, 2019
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