Steffen Michels
Steffen Michels
TOP Software Technology BV
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Task-oriented programming in a pure functional language
R Plasmeijer, B Lijnse, S Michels, P Achten, P Koopman
Proceedings of the 14th symposium on Principles and practice of declarative …, 2012
A new probabilistic constraint logic programming language based on a generalised distribution semantics
S Michels, A Hommersom, PJF Lucas, M Velikova
Artificial Intelligence 228, 1-44, 2015
An Integrated Reconfigurable System for Maritime Situational Awareness
M Velikova, P Novák, B Huijbrechts, J Laarhuis, J Hoeksma, S Michels
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 263, 1197-1202, 2014
Rationale Visualization for Safety and Security
R Scheepens, S Michels, H van de Wetering, J van Wijk
EuroVis 2015, 2015
iTask as a new paradigm for building GUI applications
S Michels, R Plasmeijer, P Achten
Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 153-168, 2010
Adaptive scheduling of data paths using Uppaal Tiga
I AlAttili, F Houben, G Igna, S Michels, F Zhu, F Vaandrager
arXiv preprint arXiv:0912.1897, 2009
Approximate Probabilistic Inference with Bounded Error for Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programming
S Michels, A Hommersom, PJF Lucas
IJCAI 2016, 2016
A Decision Support Model for Uncertainty Reasoning in Safety and Security Tasks
S Michels, M Velikova, A Hommersom, PJF Lucas
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on …, 2013
Inference for a New Probabilistic Constraint Logic
S Michels, A Hommersom, PJF Lucas, M Velikova, P Koopman
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), 2013
Metis: an integrated reference architecture for addressing uncertainty in decision-support systems
B Huijbrechts, M Velikova, S Michels, R Scheepens
Procedia Computer Science 44, 476-485, 2015
A Probabilistic Logic-based Model for Fusing Attribute Information of Objects Under Surveillance
S Michels, M Velikova, AJ Hommersom, PJF Lucas
Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen, 2012
Reducing the Cost of Probabilistic Knowledge Compilation
P Lucas, G Dal, S Michels
Advanced Methodologies for Bayesian Networks, 141-152, 2017
Hybrid Probabilistic Logics: Theoretical Aspects, Algorithms and Experiments
S Michels
Probabilistic model-based assessment of information quality in uncertain domains
S Michels, M Velikova, PJF Lucas
Proceedings of the 25th Australasian joint conference on Advances in …, 2012
Defining multi-user web applications with iTasks
R Plasmeijer, P Achten, B Lijnse, S Michels
Central European Functional Programming School, 46-92, 2011
Imprecise probabilistic horn clause logic
S Michels, A Hommersom, PJF Lucas, M Velikova
Proceedings of the Twenty-first European Conference on Artificial …, 2014
Getting a grip on tasks that coordinate tasks
R Plasmeijer, B Lijnse, P Achten, S Michels
Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and …, 2011
Enhancing operational work in maritime safety-and-security tasks
A Michels, Steffen and Velikova, Marina and Huijbrechts, Bas and Novak ...
Proceedings of the 26th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2014
The Beauty of Declarative Purely Functional Projections
S Michels
The Beauty of Functional Code, 250-257, 2013
Adaptive Scheduling of Data Paths using Uppaal Tiga
IAAFHG Igna, S Michels, FZF Vaandrager
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