Timo Wentong Lin
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Effect of long-term farming practices on agricultural soil microbiome members represented by metagenomically assembled genomes (MAGs) and their predicted plant-beneficial genes
J Nelkner, C Henke, TW Lin, W Pätzold, J Hassa, S Jaenicke, R Grosch, ...
Genes 10 (6), 424, 2019
Genetic Potential of the Biocontrol Agent Pseudomonas brassicacearum (Formerly P. trivialis) 3Re2-7 Unraveled by Genome Sequencing and Mining …
J Nelkner, G Torres Tejerizo, J Hassa, TW Lin, J Witte, B Verwaaijen, ...
Genes 10 (8), 601, 2019
Abundance, classification and genetic potential of Thaumarchaeota in metagenomes of European agricultural soils: a meta-analysis
J Nelkner, L Huang, TW Lin, A Schulz, B Osterholz, C Henke, J Blom, ...
Environmental Microbiome 18 (1), 26, 2023
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