Rebekka Steffen
Rebekka Steffen
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Intraplate seismicity in northern Central Europe is induced by the last glaciation
C Brandes, H Steffen, R Steffen, P Wu
Geology 43 (7), 611-614, 2015
A three‐dimensional Moho depth model for the Tien Shan from EGM2008 gravity data
R Steffen, H Steffen, G Jentzsch
Tectonics 30 (5), 2011
The effect of earth rheology and ice-sheet size on fault slip and magnitude of postglacial earthquakes
R Steffen, P Wu, H Steffen, DW Eaton
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 388, 71-80, 2014
Stress and fault parameters affecting fault slip magnitude and activation time during a glacial cycle
R Steffen, H Steffen, P Wu, DW Eaton
Tectonics 33 (7), 1461-1476, 2014
High-resolution Moho model for Greenland from EIGEN-6C4 gravity data
R Steffen, G Strykowski, B Lund
Tectonophysics 706, 206-220, 2017
On the implementation of faults in finite-element glacial isostatic adjustment models
R Steffen, P Wu, H Steffen, DW Eaton
Computers & Geosciences 62, 150-159, 2014
Moment tensors, state of stress and their relation to post-glacial rebound in northeastern Canada
R Steffen, DW Eaton, P Wu
Geophysical Journal International 189 (3), 1741-1752, 2012
Weakened lithosphere beneath Greenland inferred from effective elastic thickness: A hot spot effect?
R Steffen, P Audet, B Lund
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (10), 4733-4742, 2018
Density structure of the Rümker region in the northern oceanus procellarum: Implications for lunar volcanism and landing site selection for the Chang'E‐5 mission
C Chisenga, J Yan, J Zhao, EA Atekwana, R Steffen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125 (1), e2019JE005978, 2020
Early Holocene Greenland-ice mass loss likely triggered earthquakes and tsunami
R Steffen, H Steffen, R Weiss, BS Lecavalier, GA Milne, SA Woodroffe, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 546, 116443, 2020
Gravity derived crustal thickness model of Botswana: Its implication for the Mw 6.5 April 3, 2017, Botswana earthquake
C Chisenga, M Van der Meijde, J Yan, I Fadel, EA Atekwana, R Steffen, ...
Tectonophysics 787, 228479, 2020
The crustal configuration of the West and Central African Rift System from gravity and seismic data analysis
FEK Ghomsi, R Tenzer, E Njinju, R Steffen
Geophysical Journal International 230 (2), 995-1012, 2022
Time-varying uplift in Svalbard—an effect of glacial changes
HP Kierulf, J Kohler, JP Boy, EC Geyman, A Mémin, OCD Omang, ...
Geophysical Journal International 231 (3), 1518-1534, 2022
Reactivation of non‐optimally orientated faults due to glacially induced stresses
R Steffen, H Steffen
Tectonics 40 (11), e2021TC006853, 2021
Modelling of glacially-induced stress changes in Latvia, Lithuania and the Kaliningrad District of Russia.
H Steffen, R Steffen, L Tarasov
Baltica 32 (1), 2019
Delineating structural features of North Cameroon using the EIGEN6C4 high‐resolution global gravitational model
FEK Ghomsi, LT Pham, R Steffen, N Ribeiro‐Filho, R Tenzer
Geological Journal 57 (10), 4285-4299, 2022
Glacial Isostatic Adjustment models for earthquake triggering
P Wu, R Steffen, H Steffen, B Lund
Cambridge University Press, 2021
The sea cliff at Dwasieden: soft-sediment deformation structures triggered by glacial isostatic adjustment in front of the advancing Scandinavian Ice Sheet
M Pisarska-Jamroży, S Belzyt, A Börner, G Hoffmann, H Hüneke, ...
DEUQUA special publications 2, 61-67, 2019
Modeling viscoelastic solid earth deformation due to ice age and contemporary glacial mass changes in ASPECT
MFM Weerdesteijn, JB Naliboff, CP Conrad, JM Reusen, R Steffen, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24 (3), e2022GC010813, 2023
Reply to comment by Hampel et al. on “Stress and fault parameters affecting fault slip magnitude and activation time during a glacial cycle”
R Steffen, H Steffen, P Wu, DW Eaton
Tectonics 34 (11), 2359-2366, 2015
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Articles 1–20