andrea cardini
andrea cardini
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Leaf morphology, taxonomy and geometric morphometrics: a simplified protocol for beginners
V Viscosi, A Cardini
PloS one 6 (10), e25630, 2011
The long and winding road: identifying pig domestication through molar size and shape
A Evin, T Cucchi, A Cardini, US Vidarsdottir, G Larson, K Dobney
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (1), 735-743, 2013
Larger mammals have longer faces because of size-related constraints on skull form
A Cardini, PD Polly
Nature communications 4 (1), 2458, 2013
Discriminant function analyses in archaeology: are classification rates too good to be true?
K Kovarovic, LC Aiello, A Cardini, CA Lockwood
Journal of archaeological science 38 (11), 3006-3018, 2011
Sample size and sampling error in geometric morphometric studies of size and shape
A Cardini, S Elton
Zoomorphology 126, 121-134, 2007
Does the skull carry a phylogenetic signal? Evolution and modularity in the guenons
A Cardini, S Elton
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93 (4), 813-834, 2008
A geometric morphometric approach to the study of ecogeographical and clinal variation in vervet monkeys
A Cardini, AU Jansson, S Elton
Journal of Biogeography 34 (10), 1663-1678, 2007
Estimation of sex from cranial measurements in a Western Australian population
D Franklin, A Cardini, A Flavel, A Kuliukas
Forensic science international 229 (1-3), 158. e1-158. e8, 2013
Missing the third dimension in geometric morphometrics: how to assess if 2D images really are a good proxy for 3D structures?
A Cardini
Hystrix 25, 73-81, 2014
The geometry of the marmot (Rodentia: Sciuridae) mandible: phylogeny and patterns of morphological evolution
A Cardini
Systematic Biology 52 (2), 186-205, 2003
Patterns of morphological evolution in Marmota (Rodentia, Sciuridae): geometric morphometrics of the cranium in the context of marmot phylogeny, ecology and …
A Cardini, P O'HIGGINS
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 82 (3), 385-407, 2004
Extreme climate, rather than population history, explains mid‐facial morphology of Northern Asians
A Evteev, AL Cardini, I Morozova, P O'Higgins
American journal of physical anthropology 153 (3), 449-462, 2014
How many specimens do I need? Sampling error in geometric morphometrics: testing the sensitivity of means and variances in simple randomized selection experiments
A Cardini, K Seetah, G Barker
Zoomorphology 134, 149-163, 2015
Concordance of traditional osteometric and volume-rendered MSCT interlandmark cranial measurements
D Franklin, A Cardini, A Flavel, A Kuliukas, MK Marks, R Hart, C Oxnard, ...
International journal of legal medicine 127, 505-520, 2013
The application of traditional and geometric morphometric analyses for forensic quantification of sexual dimorphism: preliminary investigations in a Western Australian population
D Franklin, A Cardini, A Flavel, A Kuliukas
International journal of legal medicine 126, 549-558, 2012
Morphometric analysis of pelvic sexual dimorphism in a contemporary Western Australian population
D Franklin, A Cardini, A Flavel, MK Marks
International journal of legal medicine 128, 861-872, 2014
Estimation of sex from sternal measurements in a Western Australian population
D Franklin, A Flavel, A Kuliukas, A Cardini, MK Marks, C Oxnard, ...
Forensic science international 217 (1-3), 230. e1-230. e5, 2012
Seeing distinct groups where there are none: spurious patterns from between-group PCA
A Cardini, P O’Higgins, FJ Rohlf
Evolutionary Biology 46, 303-316, 2019
Variation in guenon skulls (I): species divergence, ecological and genetic differences
A Cardini, S Elton
Journal of Human Evolution 54 (5), 615-637, 2008
Yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris)'in the shape space'(Rodentia, Sciuridae): sexual dimorphism, growth and allometry of the mandible
A Cardini, P Tongiorgi
Zoomorphology 122 (1), 11-23, 2003
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