Johannes Thürauf
Johannes Thürauf
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Modeling hydrogen networks for future energy systems: A comparison of linear and nonlinear approaches
M Reuß, L Welder, J Thürauf, J Linßen, T Grube, L Schewe, M Schmidt, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 44 (60), 32136-32150, 2019
Robust optimal discrete arc sizing for tree-shaped potential networks
M Robinius, L Schewe, M Schmidt, D Stolten, J Thürauf, L Welder
Computational optimization and applications 73, 791-819, 2019
On electricity market equilibria with storage: Modeling, uniqueness, and a distributed ADMM
J Grübel, T Kleinert, V Krebs, G Orlinskaya, L Schewe, M Schmidt, ...
Computers & Operations Research 114, 104783, 2020
Global Optimization for the Multilevel European Gas Market System with Nonlinear Flow Models on Trees
L Schewe, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
Journal Of Global Optimization 82 (3), 627-653, 2022
Deciding Feasibility of a Booking in the European Gas Market on a Cycle is in P for the Case of Passive Networks
M Labbé, F Plein, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
Networks 78 (2), 128-152, 2021
Computing technical capacities in the European entry-exit gas market is NP-hard
L Schewe, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
Annals of Operations Research 295 (1), 337-362, 2020
Structural properties of feasible bookings in the European entry–exit gas market system
L Schewe, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
4OR 18 (2), 197-218, 2020
On a computationally ill-behaved bilevel problem with a continuous and nonconvex lower level
Y Beck, D Bienstock, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 198 (1), 428-447, 2023
A bilevel optimization approach to decide the feasibility of bookings in the European gas market
F Plein, J Thürauf, M Labbé, M Schmidt
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 1-41, 2022
Radius of robust feasibility for mixed-integer problems
F Liers, L Schewe, J Thürauf
INFORMS Journal on Computing 34 (1), 243-261, 2022
Deciding the Feasibility of a Booking in the European Gas Market is coNP-Hard
J Thürauf
Annals of Operations Research 318, 591–618, 2022
Connections between Robust and Bilevel Optimization
M Goerigk, J Kurtz, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
Using column generation in column-and-constraint generation for adjustable robust optimization
H Lefebvre, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
Optimization Online. Accessed 16, 2023
An Exact Method for Nonlinear Network Flow Interdiction Problems
M Schmidt, J Thürauf
Feasibility for Maximal Uncertainty Sets in Robust Optimization with Application to Gas Networks
J Thürauf
PQDT-Global, 2021
BOBILib: Bilevel Optimization (Benchmark) Instance Library
J Thürauf, T Kleinert, I Ljubić, T Ralphs, M Schmidt
Adjustable Robust Nonlinear Network Design under Demand Uncertainties
J Thürauf, J Grübel, M Schmidt
On Coupling Constraints in Linear Bilevel Optimization
D Henke, H Lefebvre, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.12191, 2024
Learning the Follower’s Objective Function in Sequential Bilevel Games
I Molan, M Schmidt, J Thürauf
2021 MMOR best paper award
F Plein, J Thürauf, M Labbé, M Schmidt
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 95, 183-186, 2022
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