Onofrio Semeraro
Onofrio Semeraro
Researcher (CRCN), CNRS - LISN
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Analysis of time-resolved PIV measurements of a confined turbulent jet using POD and Koopman modes
O Semeraro, G Bellani, F Lundell
Experiments in fluids 53, 1203-1220, 2012
Control of chaotic systems by Deep Reinforcement Learning
MA Bucci, O Semeraro, A Allauzen, G Wisniewski, L Cordier, L Mathelin
Proc. R. Soc. A 475, 20190351, 2019
Resolvent-based modeling of coherent wave packets in a turbulent jet
L Lesshafft, O Semeraro, V Jaunet, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan
Physical Review Fluids 4 (6), 063901, 2019
On the relevance of Reynolds stresses in resolvent analyses of turbulent wall-bounded flows
P Morra, O Semeraro, DS Henningson, C Cossu
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 867, 969-984, 2019
Feedback control of three-dimensional optimal disturbances using reduced-order models
O Semeraro, S Bagheri, L Brandt, DS Henningson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 677, 63-102, 2011
Feedback control of instabilities in the two-dimensional Blasius boundary layer: the role of sensors and actuators
BA Belson, O Semeraro, CW Rowley, DS Henningson
Physics of fluids 25 (5), 2013
Adaptive and model-based control theory applied to convectively unstable flows
N Fabbiane, O Semeraro, S Bagheri, DS Henningson
Applied Mechanics Reviews 66 (6), 060801, 2014
Transition delay in a boundary layer flow using active control
O Semeraro, S Bagheri, L Brandt, DS Henningson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 731, 288-311, 2013
POD‐based analysis of a wind turbine wake under the influence of tower and nacelle
G De Cillis, S Cherubini, O Semeraro, S Leonardi, P De Palma
Wind Energy 24 (6), 609-633, 2021
Stochastic and harmonic optimal forcing in subsonic jets
O Semeraro, V Jaunet, P Jordan, AV Cavalieri, L Lesshafft
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2935, 2016
Riccati-less approach for optimal control and estimation: an application to two-dimensional boundary layers
O Semeraro, JO Pralits, CW Rowley, DS Henningson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 731, 394-417, 2013
The influence of incoming turbulence on the dynamic modes of an NREL-5MW wind turbine wake
G De Cillis, S Cherubini, O Semeraro, S Leonardi, P De Palma
Renewable Energy 183, 601-616, 2022
Modeling of coherent structures in a turbulent jet as global linear instability wavepackets: Theory and experiment
O Semeraro, L Lesshafft, V Jaunet, P Jordan
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flows, 2016
Qualitative dynamics of wave packets in turbulent jets
O Semeraro, F Lusseyran, L Pastur, P Jordan
Phys. Rev. Fluids 2 (094605), 2017
Output feedback control of Blasius flow with leading edge using plasma actuator
R Dadfar, O Semeraro, A Hanifi, DS Henningson
AIAA journal 51 (9), 2192-2207, 2013
Stability and optimal forcing analysis of a wind turbine wake: Comparison with POD
G De Cillis, S Cherubini, O Semeraro, S Leonardi, P De Palma
Renewable Energy 181, 765-785, 2022
POD analysis of the recovery process in wind turbine wakes
G De Cillis, S Cherubini, O Semeraro, S Leonardi, P De Palma
Journal of physics: conference series 1618 (6), 062016, 2020
Curriculum learning for data-driven modeling of dynamical systems
MA Bucci, O Semeraro, A Allauzen, S Chibbaro, L Mathelin
The European Physical Journal E 46 (3), 12, 2023
Interfacial instability of two rotating viscous immiscible fluids in a cylinder
G Coppola, O Semeraro
Physics of fluids 23 (6), 2011
Dynamic-mode-decomposition of the wake of the NREL-5MW wind turbine impinged by a laminar inflow
G De Cillis, O Semeraro, S Leonardi, P De Palma, S Cherubini
Renewable Energy 199, 1-10, 2022
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