Sifeng Bi
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The role of the Bhattacharyya distance in stochastic model updating
S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 117, 437-452, 2019
Non-intrusive stochastic analysis with parameterized imprecise probability models: I. Performance estimation
P Wei, J Song, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer, Z Lu, Z Yue
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 124, 349-368, 2019
Non-intrusive stochastic analysis with parameterized imprecise probability models: II. Reliability and rare events analysis
P Wei, J Song, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer, Z Lu, Z Yue
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 126, 227-247, 2019
Stochastic model updating with uncertainty quantification: an overview and tutorial
S Bi, M Beer, S Cogan, J Mottershead
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 204, 110784, 2023
Uncertainty Quantification Metrics with Varying Statistical Information in Model Calibration and Validation
S Bi, S Prabhu, S Cogan, S Atamturktur
AIAA Journal 55 (10), 3570-3583, 2017
The Bhattacharyya distance: Enriching the P-box in stochastic sensitivity analysis
S Bi, M Broggi, P Wei, M Beer
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 129, 265-281, 2019
Nonparametric Bayesian stochastic model updating with hybrid uncertainties
M Kitahara, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 163, 108195, 2022
Bayesian model updating in time domain with metamodel-based reliability method
M Kitahara, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2021
Generalization of non-intrusive imprecise stochastic simulation for mixed uncertain variables
J Song, P Wei, M Valdebenito, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer, Z Lei
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 134, 106316, 2019
Uncertainty quantification and propagation of crowd behaviour effects on pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges
X Wei, JC Liu, S Bi
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 167, 108557, 2022
Estimation of failure probability in braced excavation using Bayesian networks with integrated model updating
L He, Y Liu, S Bi, L Wang, M Broggi, M Beer
Underground Space 5 (4), 315-323, 2020
Bayesian inversion for imprecise probabilistic models using a novel entropy-based uncertainty quantification metric
L Yang, S Bi, MGR Faes, M Broggi, M Beer
Mechanical systems and signal processing 162, 107954, 2022
Stochastic validation of structural FE-models based on hierarchical cluster analysis and advanced Monte Carlo simulation
S Bi, Z Deng, Z Chen
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 67, 22-33, 2013
Reliability analysis of a complex system with hybrid structures and multi-level dependent life metrics
L Yang, P Wang, Q Wang, S Bi, R Peng, J Behrensdorf, M Beer
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 209, 107469, 2021
Stochastic model updating using distance discrimination analysis
Z Deng, S Bi, S Atamturktur
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 27 (5), 1188-1198, 2014
The sub-interval similarity: A general uncertainty quantification metric for both stochastic and interval model updating
Y Zhao, J Yang, MGR Faes, S Bi, Y Wang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 178, 109319, 2022
Shear lag effects on pedestrian-induced vibration and TMD-based vibration control of footbridges
B Fu, X Wei, J Chen, S Bi
Structural Engineering International 33 (3), 447-461, 2023
Distribution-free stochastic model updating of dynamic systems with parameter dependencies
M Kitahara, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer
Structural Safety 97, 102227, 2022
Probabilistic approach for damping identification considering uncertainty in experimental modal analysis
S Bi, M Ouisse, E Foltête
AIAA Journal 56 (12), 4953-4964, 2018
Towards the NASA UQ challenge 2019: Systematically forward and inverse approaches for uncertainty propagation and quantification
S Bi, K He, Y Zhao, D Moens, M Beer, J Zhang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 165, 108387, 2022
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