Javier Bernal
Cited by
Cited by
Comparison of segmentation algorithms for fluorescence microscopy images of cells
AA Dima, JT Elliott, JJ Filliben, M Halter, A Peskin, J Bernal, M Kociolek, ...
Cytometry Part A 79 (7), 545-559, 2011
LINDENS: A program for lineament length and density analysis
AM Casas, AL Cortes, A Maestro, MA Soriano, A Riaguas, J Bernal
Computers & Geosciences 26 (9-10), 1011-1022, 2000
Search for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering at a nuclear reactor with CONNIE 2019 data
A Aguilar-Arevalo, J Bernal, X Bertou, C Bonifazi, G Cancelo, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (5), 1-25, 2022
A purely algebraic justification of the Kabsch-Umeyama algorithm
J Lawrence, J Bernal, C Witzgall
Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 124, 1, 2019
A dual representation simulated annealing algorithm for the bandwidth minimization problem on graphs
J Torres-Jimenez, I Izquierdo-Marquez, A Garcia-Robledo, ...
Information Sciences 303, 33-49, 2015
Field demonstration of laser scanning for excavation measurement
GS Cheok, RR Lipman, C Witzgall, J Bernal, WC Stone
Proceedings of ISARC 2, 1342-51, 2000
Multi-dimensional volumes, super-reflexivity and normal structure in Banach spaces
J Bernal, F Sullivan
Illinois Journal of Mathematics 27 (3), 501-513, 1983
Laser scanning for construction metrology
GS Cheok, WC Stone, RR Lipman, C Witzgall, J Bernal
American Nuclear Society 9th Int. Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, 2001
Fast dynamic programming for elastic registration of curves
J Bernal, G Dogan, CR Hagwood
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
A fast algorithm for elastic shape distances between closed planar curves
G Dogan, J Bernal, CR Hagwood
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
NIST construction automation program report No. 4: Non-intrusive scanning technology for construction status determination
GS Cheok, RR Lipman, CJ Witzgall, J Bernal, WC Stone
Geraldine S. Cheok, Robert R. Lipman, Christoph J. Witzgall, Javier Bernal …, 2000
Probabilistic computation of Poiseuille flow velocity fields
FY Hunt, JF Douglas, J Bernal
Journal of Mathematical Physics 36 (5), 2386-2401, 1995
Evaluation of segmentation algorithms on cell populations using CDF curves
C Hagwood, J Bernal, M Halter, J Elliott
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31 (2), 380-390, 2011
A numerical method for mass spectral data analysis
AJ Kearsley, WE Wallace, J Bernal, CM Guttman
Applied Mathematics Letters 18 (12), 1412-1417, 2005
Testing equality of cell populations based on shape and geodesic distance
C Hagwood, J Bernal, M Halter, J Elliott, T Brennan
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 32 (12), 2230-2237, 2013
On constructing Delaunay triangulations for sets constrained by line segments
J Bernal
US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1988
FFT-based alignment of 2d closed curves with application to elastic shape analysis
G Dogan, J Bernal, C Hagwood
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.17779, 2025
Regtet: A program for computing regular tetrahedralizations
J Bernal
International Conference on Computational Science, 629-632, 2001
Bibliographic notes on Voronoi diagrams
J Bernal, J Bernal
US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1993
Shape analysis, Lebesgue integration and absolute continuity connections
J Bernal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.00051, 2019
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Articles 1–20