Sebastian Geyer
Cited by
Cited by
Cross entropy-based importance sampling using Gaussian densities revisited
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub
Structural Safety 76, 15-27, 2019
Improved cross entropy-based importance sampling with a flexible mixture model
I Papaioannou, S Geyer, D Straub
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 191, 106564, 2019
Reliability assessment of large hydraulic structures with spatially distributed measurements
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, C Kunz, D Straub
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 16 (4), 599-612, 2020
Bayesian reliability assessment with spatially variable measurements: the spatial averaging approach
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, C Kunz, D Straub
On the efficiency of cross entropy-based importance sampling with Gaussian densities
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub
15th International Probabilistic Workshop, Dresden, 2017
Characteristic values of spatially varying material properties in existing structures
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub
Life-Cycle Civil Engineering: Innovation, Theory and Practice, 479-486, 2021
Bayesian updating of foundation reliability with spatially variable measurements: a spatial averaging approach
I Papaioannou, S Geyer, D Straub
Proc. 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk, 2019
Reliability assessment of large hydraulic structures with spatially variable measurements
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub, C Kunz
Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an …, 2018
A new flexible mixture model for cross-entropy based importance sampling
I Papaioannou, S Geyer, D Straub
Cross entropy based importance sampling in low and high dimensions with a new mixture model
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub
Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering, 2017
Gaussian densities and Gaussian mixtures in the cross entropy method
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub
2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational …, 2017
Modified Cross Entropy-based Importance Sampling with a Flexible Mixture Model
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub
Gaussian densities in the cross entropy method for reliability analysis
S Geyer, I Papaioannou, D Straub
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Articles 1–13