Jakob Andert
Jakob Andert
Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion
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Automated eco-driving in urban scenarios using deep reinforcement learning
M Wegener, L Koch, M Eisenbarth, J Andert
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 126, 102967, 2021
Engine in the loop: Closed loop test bench control with real-time simulation
S Klein, R Savelsberg, F Xia, D Guse, J Andert, T Blochwitz, C Bellanger, ...
SAE International journal of commercial vehicles 10 (2017-01-0219), 95-105, 2017
The distributed co-simulation protocol for the integration of real-time systems and simulation environments
M Krammer, M Benedikt, T Blochwitz, K Alekeish, N Amringer, C Kater, ...
Proceedings of the 50th Computer Simulation Conference, 1-14, 2018
Hardware-in-the-Loop-Based Virtual Calibration Approach to Meet Real Driving Emissions Requirements
SY Lee, J Andert, D Neumann, C Querel, T Scheel, S Aktas, M Miccio, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 11 (2018-01-0869), 2018
Road-to-Rig-to-Desktop – Virtual Development Using Real-Time Engine Modeling and Powertrain-Co-Simulation
J Andert, F Xia, S Klein, R Savelsberg, D Guse, R Tharmakulasingam, ...
9th Conference on Modeling and Diagnositics for Advanced Engine Systems …, 2017
In-cycle control for stabilization of homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion using direct water injection
M Wick, J Bedei, D Gordon, C Wouters, B Lehrheuer, E Nuss, J Andert, ...
Applied energy 240, 1061-1074, 2019
A review of silicon carbide MOSFETs in electrified vehicles: Application, challenges, and future development
B Shi, AI Ramones, Y Liu, H Wang, Y Li, S Pischinger, J Andert
IET Power Electronics 16 (12), 2103-2120, 2023
Deep learning based model predictive control for compression ignition engines
A Norouzi, S Shahpouri, D Gordon, A Winkler, E Nuss, D Abel, J Andert, ...
Control Engineering Practice 127, 105299, 2022
Development and experimental validation of a real-time capable field programmable gate array–based gas exchange model for negative valve overlap
D Gordon, C Wouters, M Wick, F Xia, B Lehrheuer, J Andert, CR Koch, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (3), 421-436, 2020
Virtual shaft: Synchronized motion control for real time testing of automotive powertrains
J Andert, S Klein, R Savelsberg, S Pischinger, K Hameyer
Control engineering practice 56, 101-110, 2016
KSPG Range Extender - a New Pathfinder to Electromobility
J Andert, E Köhler, J Niehues, G Schürmann
ATZautotechnology DOI 10.1365/s35595-012-0105-0, 26-33, 2012
Experimental investigation of a variable compression ratio system applied to a gasoline passenger car engine
K Wittek, F Geiger, J Andert, M Martins, V Cogo, T Lanzanova
Energy Conversion and Management 183, 753-763, 2019
A study on in-cycle combustion control for gasoline controlled autoignition
B Lehrheuer, S Pischinger, M Wick, J Andert, D Berneck, D Ritter, T Albin, ...
SAE technical paper, 2016
Decoupling of consecutive gasoline controlled auto-ignition combustion cycles by field programmable gate array based real-time cylinder pressure analysis
M Wick, B Lehrheuer, T Albin, J Andert, S Pischinger
International Journal of Engine Research 19 (2), 153-167, 2018
Model Based Control of Gasoline Controlled Auto Ignition
D Ritter, D Abel, T Albin, B Lehrheuer, M Wick, J Andert, S Pischinger
Symposium for Combustion Control 2016, 41-52, 2016
Accurate physics-based modeling of electric vehicle energy consumption in the SUMO traffic microsimulator
L Koch, DS Buse, M Wegener, S Schoenberg, K Badalian, J Andert
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC …, 2021
A simulation-based case study for powertrain efficiency improvement by automated driving functions
T Plum, M Wegener, M Eisenbarth, Z Ye, K Etzold, S Pischinger, J Andert
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2018
Function development with an electric-machine-in-the-loop setup: A case study
K Etzold, T Fahrbach, S Klein, R Scheer, D Guse, M Klawitter, ...
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 5 (4), 1419-1429, 2019
Effects of water addition on the combustion of iso-octane investigated in laminar flames, low-temperature reactors, and an HCCI engine
S Schmitt, M Wick, C Wouters, L Ruwe, I Graf, J Andert, N Hansen, ...
Combustion and Flame 212, 433-447, 2020
Development and experimental validation of a field programmable gate array–based in-cycle direct water injection control strategy for homogeneous charge compression ignition …
D Gordon, C Wouters, M Wick, B Lehrheuer, J Andert, C Koch, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 20 (10), 1101-1113, 2019
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