Marc M Nowaczyk
Marc M Nowaczyk
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Kinetics and mechanism of electron transfer in intact photosystem II and in the isolated reaction center: pheophytin is the primary electron acceptor
AR Holzwarth, MG Müller, M Reus, M Nowaczyk, J Sander, M Rögner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (18), 6895-6900, 2006
Detection of the Water-Binding Sites of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II Using W-Band 17O Electron–Electron Double Resonance-Detected NMR …
L Rapatskiy, N Cox, A Savitsky, WM Ames, J Sander, MM Nowaczyk, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (40), 16619-16634, 2012
Bias-free photoelectrochemical water splitting with photosystem II on a dye-sensitized photoanode wired to hydrogenase
KP Sokol, WE Robinson, J Warnan, N Kornienko, MM Nowaczyk, A Ruff, ...
Nature Energy 3 (11), 944-951, 2018
Psb27, a cyanobacterial lipoprotein, is involved in the repair cycle of photosystem II
MM Nowaczyk, R Hebeler, E Schlodder, HE Meyer, B Warscheid, ...
The Plant Cell 18 (11), 3121-3131, 2006
Combination of a photosystem 1-based photocathode and a photosystem 2-based photoanode to a Z-scheme mimic for biophotovoltaic applications
T Kothe, N Plumeré, A Badura, MM Nowaczyk, DA Guschin, M Rögner, ...
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 52 (52), 14233, 2013
Structural adaptations of photosynthetic complex I enable ferredoxin-dependent electron transfer
JM Schuller, JA Birrell, H Tanaka, T Konuma, H Wulfhorst, N Cox, ...
Science 363 (6424), 257-260, 2019
Ammonia binding to the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II identifies the solvent-exchangeable oxygen bridge (μ-oxo) of the manganese tetramer
M Pérez Navarro, WM Ames, H Nilsson, T Lohmiller, DA Pantazis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (39), 15561-15566, 2013
Rational wiring of photosystem II to hierarchical indium tin oxide electrodes using redox polymers
KP Sokol, D Mersch, V Hartmann, JZ Zhang, MM Nowaczyk, M Rögner, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (12), 3698-3709, 2016
Charge separation kinetics in intact photosystem II core particles is trap-limited. A picosecond fluorescence study
Y Miloslavina, M Szczepaniak, MG Müller, J Sander, M Nowaczyk, ...
Biochemistry 45 (7), 2436-2442, 2006
Structural insights into photosystem II assembly
J Zabret, S Bohn, SK Schuller, O Arnolds, M Möller, J Meier-Credo, ...
Nature plants 7 (4), 524-538, 2021
Photoreduction of CO2 with a Formate Dehydrogenase Driven by Photosystem II Using a Semi-artificial Z-Scheme Architecture
KP Sokol, WE Robinson, AR Oliveira, J Warnan, MM Nowaczyk, A Ruff, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (48), 16418-16422, 2018
Recombinant cyanobacteria for the asymmetric reduction of C= C bonds fueled by the biocatalytic oxidation of water
K Köninger, Á Gómez Baraibar, C Mügge, CE Paul, F Hollmann, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (18), 5582-5585, 2016
Analysis of photosystem II biogenesis in cyanobacteria
S Heinz, P Liauw, J Nickelsen, M Nowaczyk
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1857 (3), 274-287, 2016
Structure, ligands and substrate coordination of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II in the S 2 state: a combined EPR and DFT study
T Lohmiller, V Krewald, MP Navarro, M Retegan, L Rapatskiy, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (24), 11877-11892, 2014
Structure and Function of Intact Photosystem 1 Monomers from the Cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus,
E El-Mohsnawy, MJ Kopczak, E Schlodder, M Nowaczyk, HE Meyer, ...
Biochemistry 49 (23), 4740-4751, 2010
Redox hydrogels with adjusted redox potential for improved efficiency in Z-scheme inspired biophotovoltaic cells
V Hartmann, T Kothe, S Pöller, E El-Mohsnawy, MM Nowaczyk, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (24), 11936-11941, 2014
Redox-coupled proton pumping drives carbon concentration in the photosynthetic complex I
JM Schuller, P Saura, J Thiemann, SK Schuller, AP Gamiz-Hernandez, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 494, 2020
X-ray structure of an asymmetrical trimeric ferredoxin–photosystem I complex
H Kubota-Kawai, R Mutoh, K Shinmura, P Sétif, MM Nowaczyk, M Rögner, ...
Nature Plants 4 (4), 218-224, 2018
Functional characterization and quantification of the alternative PsbA copies in Thermosynechococcus elongatus and their role in photoprotection
J Sander, M Nowaczyk, J Buchta, H Dau, I Vass, Z Deák, M Dorogi, M Iwai, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (39), 29851-29856, 2010
Assembly of the water-oxidizing complex in photosystem II
K Becker, KU Cormann, MM Nowaczyk
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 104 (1-2), 204-211, 2011
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