Nikolaus Schmidt
Nikolaus Schmidt
Research Assistant, Professorship for Integrated Information Systems, University of Cologne
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Zitiert von
Beyond the Border: A comparative literature review on communication practices for agile global outsourced software development projects
T Dreesen, R Linden, C Meures, N Schmidt, C Rosenkranz
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 4932-4941, 2016
Building a digitally enabled future: An insurance industry case study on digitalization
J Weingarth, J Hagenschulte, N Schmidt, M Balser
Digitalization cases: How organizations rethink their business for the …, 2019
Utilizing the Crowd–A Literature Review on Factors influencing Crowdsourcing Initiative Success
T Rechenberger, VME Jung, N Schmidt, C Rosenkranz
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2015
The clash of cultures in information technology outsourcing relationships: An institutional logics perspective
N Schmidt, B Zöller, C Rosenkranz
Shared Services and Outsourcing: A Contemporary Outlook: 10th Global …, 2016
" Mind the Gap": An Analysis of Communication in Agile Global Outsourced Software Development Projects
N Schmidt, C Meures
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 501-510, 2016
Identifying the Giants: A Social Network Analysis of the Literature on Information Technology Outsourcing Relationships
N Schmidt, M Müller, C Rosenkranz
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2015
Outsourcing 2.0: Towards an innovation-driven process model for client-vendor relationships in information technology outsourcing
R Linden, N Schmidt, C Rosenkranz
Global Sourcing of Digital Services: Micro and Macro Perspectives: 11th …, 2017
Innovate on Purpose--Factors Contributing to Innovation in IT Outsourcing
AL Boehm, B Michalik, N Schmidt, D Basten
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3245-3254, 2014
How to support clients and vendors in IT outsourcing engagements: the different roles of third-party advisory services
T Erdogmus, M Czermak, D Baumsteiger, D Kohn, A Boller-Hoffecker, ...
Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases 8 (2), 184-191, 2018
Understanding the Vendors' Needs: A Repertory Grid Study on Client-Vendor Relationship Quality in IT Outsourcing
N Schmidt, C Rosenkranz
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2015
Innovation Wanted: A Literature Review on Innovation Sourcing Engagements
R Linden, N Schmidt
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2016
Cloud Operations (HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik)
HP Fröschle, N Schmidt
Infrastructure as Code als Maßnahme zur Cloud Automatisierung–Hilfestellung zur Auswahl des richtigen Werkzeugs
A Özel, T Pautz, N Schmidt
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 57 (5), 936-948, 2020
Establishing Information Technology Outsourcing Relationship Quality: A Comparative Repertory Grid Study
N Schmidt, L Menth
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2016
The changing role of advisory services in information technology outsourcing
R Linden, N Schmidt, C Rosenkranz
Are We That Different? Cultural Patterns and Their Effect on Information Technology Outsourcing Relationship Quality
N Schmidt, T Erdogmus, C Rosenkranz
Infrastructure as Code–Hilfestellung zur Auswahl des richtigen Tools
A Özel, T Pautz, N Schmidt
IT-Operations in der Transformation: Zukunftsweisende IT-Betriebsmodelle …, 2022
Cloud Industrialization—Developing a Cloud Operations Framework for Organizations
N Schmidt
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 57, 886-896, 2020
Infrastructure as Code—Developing a Framework to Choose the Right Tool
A Özel, T Pautz, N Schmidt
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 57, 936-948, 2020
Cloud operations: Cloud computing, Cloud operations framework, Multi Provider Management, digitale Transformation, DevOps, Cloud Vorgehensmodell, Business-managed IT
HP Fröschle, N Schmidt
Springer Vieweg, 2020
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