Ela Joshi
Ela Joshi
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Student-teacher race congruence: New evidence and insight from Tennessee
E Joshi, S Doan, MG Springer
AERA Open 4 (4), 2332858418817528, 2018
“Set in Stone” or “Willing to Grow”? Teacher sensemaking during a growth mindset initiative
SK Patrick, E Joshi
Teaching and Teacher Education 83, 156-167, 2019
Consequences of administrative burden for social safety nets that support the healthy development of children
CJ Heinrich, S Camacho, SC Henderson, M Hernández, E Joshi
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 41 (1), 11-44, 2022
The world of whistleblowing: From the altruist to the avenger
M Heumann, A Friedes, L Cassak, W Wright, E Joshi
Public Integrity 16 (1), 25-52, 2013
Mapping inequalities in local political representation: Evidence from Ohio school boards
B Bartanen, JA Grissom, E Joshi, M Meredith
AERA Open 4 (4), 2332858418818074, 2018
In the nic of time: how sustainable are networked improvement communities?
E Joshi, C Redding, M Cannata
American Journal of Education 127 (3), 369-397, 2021
How ideas spread: Establishing a networked improvement community
M Cannata, C Redding, S Brown, E Joshi, S Rutledge, E Joshi
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San …, 2017
Teaching and learning with open educational resources (OER)
R Griffiths, E Joshi, E Pellerin, A Wingard
SRI International. https://achievingthedream. org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04 …, 2022
Unpacking the Relationship Between Classroom Teacher Characteristics and Time to English Learner Reclassification
E Joshi
American Educational Research Journal 60 (2), 257-292, 2023
LEARN Network Research: Study Methods
J Mislevy, E Joshi, C Benge, E Smith, K Walters
Computational Literacy Across Secondary Settings (CLASS) Program
J Oloff-Lewis, E Joshi, D Gagnon, E Smith
Mathematics, 3D Printing, and Computational Thinking through Work-Based Learning (MPACT): An Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Grant Evaluation. Technical Report.
D Gagnon, E Joshi, N Arshan, E Rulifson, E Levin-Güracar, T Tiruke
SRI Education, a Division of SRI International, 2023
Advancing Equity with Open Education: Examining OER-Enabled Teaching and Learning Practices in Community Colleges
E Joshi, R Griffiths
SREE 2022 Conference, 2022
Lessons Learned from the Engage New England Initiative
L Cassidy, M Warner, K Caspary, E Joshi, K Yee
What Does it Mean to “Have the Means”?: Increasing Historically Marginalized Students’ Access to Capital and Academic Success
EH Joshi
How Do Schools Learn as Organizations? Understanding of Growth Mindset during a School Improvement Initiative.
E Joshi, SK Patrick
AERA Online Paper Repository, 2017
For English Learner Students’ Reclassification, Effective Teachers Matter
E Joshi
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