Daniel F. Keefe
Daniel F. Keefe
Professor of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
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CavePainting: a fully immersive 3D artistic medium and interactive experience
DF Keefe, DA Feliz, T Moscovich, DH Laidlaw, JJ LaViola Jr
Proceedings of the 2001 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 85-93, 2001
Hands-free multi-scale navigation in virtual environments
JJ LaViola Jr, DA Feliz, DF Keefe, RC Zeleznik
Proceedings of the 2001 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 9-15, 2001
Virtual reality for persistent pain: a new direction for behavioral pain management
FJ Keefe, DA Huling, MJ Coggins, DF Keefe, ZM Rosenthal, NR Herr, ...
Pain 153 (11), 2163-2166, 2012
Drawing on Air: Input Techniques for Controlled 3D Line Illustration
DF Keefe, RC Zeleznik, DH Laidlaw
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (5), 1067-1081, 2007
Lift-off: Using reference imagery and freehand sketching to create 3d models in vr
B Jackson, DF Keefe
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (4), 1442-1451, 2016
An immersive virtual environment for DT-MRI volume visualization applications: a case study
S Zhang, C Demiralp, DF Keefe, M DaSilva, DH Laidlaw, BD Greenberg, ...
Proceedings Visualization, 2001. VIS'01., 437-584, 2001
Interactive slice WIM: Navigating and interrogating volume data sets using a multisurface, multitouch VR interface
D Coffey, N Malbraaten, TB Le, I Borazjani, F Sotiropoulos, AG Erdman, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (10), 1614-1626, 2011
The state of the art of spatial interfaces for 3D visualization
L Besançon, A Ynnerman, DF Keefe, L Yu, T Isenberg
Computer Graphics Forum 40 (1), 293-326, 2021
An emotional response to the value of visualization
Y Wang, A Segal, R Klatzky, DF Keefe, P Isenberg, J Hurtienne, ...
IEEE computer graphics and applications 39 (5), 8-17, 2019
Interactive coordinated multiple-view visualization of biomechanical motion data
D Keefe, M Ewert, W Ribarsky, R Chang
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (6), 1383-1390, 2009
Interactive volume rendering of thin thread structures within multivalued scientific data sets
A Wenger, DF Keefe, S Zhang, DH Laidlaw
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10 (6), 664-672, 2004
Computer visualization of anatomical items
D Coffey, DF Keefe, AG Erdman, BJ Bidne, GE Ostenson, DM Flynn, ...
US Patent 9,818,231, 2017
A lightweight tangible 3D interface for interactive visualization of thin fiber structures
B Jackson, TY Lau, D Schroeder, KC Toussaint, DF Keefe
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (12), 2802-2809, 2013
Design by dragging: An interface for creative forward and inverse design with simulation ensembles
D Coffey, CL Lin, AG Erdman, DF Keefe
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (12), 2783-2791, 2013
Scientific sketching for collaborative VR visualization design
DF Keefe, D Acevedo, J Miles, F Drury, SM Swartz, DH Laidlaw
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14 (4), 835-847, 2008
3D spatial interaction: applications for art, design, and science
JJ LaViola, DF Keefe
ACM Siggraph 2011 Courses, 1-75, 2011
Artistic collaboration in designing VR visualizations
DF Keefe, DB Karelitz, EL Vote, DH Laidlaw
Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 25 (2), 18-23, 2005
Reimagining the scientific visualization interaction paradigm
DF Keefe, T Isenberg
Computer 46 (5), 51-57, 2013
Slice WIM: a multi-surface, multi-touch interface for overview+ detail exploration of volume datasets in virtual reality
D Coffey, N Malbraaten, T Le, I Borazjani, F Sotiropoulos, DF Keefe
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 191-198, 2011
Grand challenge: Applying regulatory science and big data to improve medical device innovation
AG Erdman, DF Keefe, R Schiestl
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (3), 700-706, 2013
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