Bernard van Gastel
Bernard van Gastel
Radboud University, the Netherlands
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TweetNaCl: A crypto library in 100 tweets
DJ Bernstein, B Van Gastel, W Janssen, T Lange, P Schwabe, S Smetsers
International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin …, 2014
Towards a seamful ethics of Covid-19 contact tracing apps?
AS Hoffman, B Jacobs, B van Gastel, H Schraffenberger, T Sharon, B Pas
Ethics and Information Technology 23 (Suppl 1), 105-115, 2021
Self-encrypting deception: weaknesses in the encryption of solid state drives
C Meijer, B Van Gastel
2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 72-87, 2019
A Hoare logic for energy consumption analysis
R Kersten, PP Toldin, B van Gastel, M van Eekelen
Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis: Third International …, 2014
The design of mobile apps: what and how to teach?
S Stuurman, BE van Gastel, HJM Passier
Proceedings of the Computer Science Education Research Conference, 93-100, 2014
Using dependent types to define energy augmented semantics of programs
B Van Gastel, R Kersten, M Van Eekelen
Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis: 4th International …, 2016
Self-encrypting deception: weaknesses in the encryption of solid state drives (SSDs)
CFJ Meijer, BE van Gastel
S. l9: IEEE, 2019
ResAna: a resource analysis toolset for (real‐time) JAVA
RWJ Kersten, BE Van Gastel, O Shkaravska, M Montenegro, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 26 (14), 2432-2455, 2014
Making resource analysis practical for real-time Java
R Kersten, O Shkaravska, B van Gastel, M Montenegro, M van Eekelen
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real …, 2012
Assessing sustainability of software: analysing correctness, memory and energy consumption
BE van Gastel
Open Universiteit, 2016
Inference of channel types in micro-architectural models of on-chip communication networks
B van Gastel, F Verbeek, J Schmaltz
2014 22nd International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC …, 2014
Sphere Transgression Watch
MJ Stevens, T Sharon, BE van Gastel, AS Hoffman, SR Kraaijeveld, ...
www. sphere-transgression-watch. org, 2022
A formalisation of XMAS
B van Gastel, J Schmaltz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.7862, 2013
Fully reliable dynamic routing logic for a fault-tolerant NoC architecture
A Alhussien, F Verbeek, B van Gastel, N Bagherzadeh, J Schmaltz
Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems 8 (1), 43-53, 2013
A formally verified deadlock-free routing function in a fault-tolerant NoC architecture
A Alhussien, N Bagherzadeh, F Verbeek, B van Gastel, J Schmaltz
2012 25th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), 1-6, 2012
Reentrant readers-writers: A case study combining model checking with theorem proving
B van Gastel, L Lensink, S Smetsers, M van Eekelen
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 13th International Workshop …, 2009
Towards practical, precise and parametric energy analysis of IT controlled systems
B van Gastel, M van Eekelen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.00961, 2017
Soundness proof for a Hoare logic for energy consumption analysis
PP Toldin, R Kersten, B Gastel, M van Eekelen
Nijmegen: ICIS, 2013
Deadlock and starvation free reentrant readers–writers: A case study combining model checking with theorem proving
B Van Gastel, L Lensink, S Smetsers, M van Eekelen
Science of Computer Programming 76 (2), 82-99, 2011
Data Protection Using Polymorphic Pseudonymisation in a Large-Scale Parkinson’s Disease Study
BE van Gastel, B Jacobs, J Popma
Journal of Parkinson's Disease 11 (s1), S19-S25, 2021
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