Erik Figenbaum
Erik Figenbaum
Chief Research Engineer at Institute of Transport Economics
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A review of consumer preferences of and interactions with electric vehicle charging infrastructure
S Hardman, A Jenn, G Tal, J Axsen, G Beard, N Daina, E Figenbaum, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 62, 508-523, 2018
Perspectives on Norway’s supercharged electric vehicle policy
E Figenbaum
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 25, 14-34, 2017
Electromobility in Norway: experiences and opportunities
E Figenbaum, T Assum, M Kolbenstvedt
Research in Transportation Economics 50, 29-38, 2015
Learning from Norwegian battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle users
E Figenbaum, M Kolbenstvedt
TØI Transportøkonomisk institutt, 2016
Electromobility in Norway-experiences and opportunities with Electric Vehicles
E Figenbaum, M Kolbenstvedt
TØI report, 2013
Electric Vehicles–environmental, economic and practical aspects
E Figenbaum, M Kolbenstvedt, B Elvebakk
As seen by current and potential users 1329, 2014
Who goes electric? The anatomy of electric car ownership in Norway
E Fevang, E Figenbaum, L Fridstrøm, AH Halse, KE Hauge, BG Johansen, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 92, 102727, 2021
Comparison of regulated emission factors of Euro 6 LDV in Nordic temperatures and cold start conditions: Diesel-and gasoline direct-injection
C Weber, I Sundvor, E Figenbaum
Atmospheric Environment 206, 208-217, 2019
E-vehicle policies and incentives-assessment and recommendations
N Fearnley, P Pfaffenbichler, E Figenbaum, R Jellinek
Compett deliverable D 5, 2015
Increasing the competitiveness of e-vehicles in Europe
E Figenbaum, N Fearnley, P Pfaffenbichler, R Hjorthol, M Kolbenstvedt, ...
European transport research review 7, 1-14, 2015
Battery electric vehicle fast charging–evidence from the Norwegian market
E Figenbaum
World Electric Vehicle Journal 11 (2), 38, 2020
Can battery electric light commercial vehicles work for craftsmen and service enterprises?
E Figenbaum
Energy Policy 120, 58-72, 2018
Electromobility status in Norway: mastering long distances–the last hurdle to mass adoption
E Figenbaum
TØI report, 2018
Retrospective Total cost of ownership analysis of battery electric vehicles in Norway
E Figenbaum
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 105, 103246, 2022
Experiences from battery-electric truck users in Norway
IB Hovi, DR Pinchasik, E Figenbaum, RJ Thorne
World Electric Vehicle Journal 11 (1), 5, 2019
Facilitating adoption of electric buses through policy: Learnings from a trial in Norway
RJ Thorne, IB Hovi, E Figenbaum, DR Pinchasik, AH Amundsen, ...
Energy Policy 155, 112310, 2021
Battery electric vehicle user experiences in Norway's maturing market
E Figenbaum, S Nordbakke
TØI report, 2019
Pathways to Electromobility: Perspectives Based on Norwegian Experiences
E Figenbaum, M Kolbenstvedt
Transportøkonomisk institutt, 2015
Competitive electric town transport
E Figenbaum, M Kolbenstvedt
Main results from COMPETT–an Electromobility+ project, Institute of …, 2015
The future of electromobility in Norway–some stakeholder perspectives
T Assum, M Kolbenstvedt, E Figenbaum
TØI report, 2014
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