Charles F. Hofacker
Charles F. Hofacker
Persis Rockwood Professor of Marketing, Florida State University
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Measuring consumer innovativeness
RE Goldsmith, CF Hofacker
Journal of the academy of marketing science 19, 209-221, 1991
Mobile marketing in the retailing environment: current insights and future research avenues
V Shankar, A Venkatesh, C Hofacker, P Naik
Journal of interactive marketing 24 (2), 111-120, 2010
Technological disruptions in services: lessons from tourism and hospitality
D Buhalis, T Harwood, V Bogicevic, G Viglia, S Beldona, C Hofacker
Journal of service management 30 (4), 484-506, 2019
Gamification and mobile marketing effectiveness
CF Hofacker, K De Ruyter, NH Lurie, P Manchanda, J Donaldson
Journal of Interactive Marketing 34 (1), 25-36, 2016
Consumer power: Evolution in the digital age
LI Labrecque, J Vor Dem Esche, C Mathwick, TP Novak, CF Hofacker
Journal of interactive marketing 27 (4), 257-269, 2013
Marketing the pinball way: Understanding how social media change the generation of value for consumers and companies
T Hennig-Thurau, CF Hofacker, B Bloching
Journal of interactive marketing 27 (4), 237-241, 2013
Brave new world? On AI and the management of customer relationships
B Libai, Y Bart, S Gensler, CF Hofacker, A Kaplan, K Kötterheinrich, ...
Journal of Interactive Marketing 51 (1), 44-56, 2020
The influence of personality on active and passive use of social networking sites
M Pagani, CF Hofacker, RE Goldsmith
Psychology & Marketing 28 (5), 441-456, 2011
Dawning of the age of robots in hospitality and tourism: Challenges for teaching and research
J Murphy, C Hofacker, U Gretzel
European Journal of Tourism Research 15 (2017), 104-111, 2017
Big data and consumer behavior: Imminent opportunities
CF Hofacker, EC Malthouse, F Sultan
Journal of consumer marketing 33 (2), 89-97, 2016
Internet marketing
CF Hofacker
Digital Springs (Dripping Springs, TX), 1999
Effects of design factors on store image and expectation of merchandise quality in web-based stores
J Oh, SS Fiorito, H Cho, CF Hofacker
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 15 (4), 237-249, 2008
What makes information in online consumer reviews diagnostic over time? The role of review relevancy, factuality, currency, source credibility and ranking score
R Filieri, CF Hofacker, S Alguezaui
Computers in Human Behavior 80, 122-131, 2018
Primacy and recency effects on clicking behavior
J Murphy, C Hofacker, R Mizerski
Journal of computer-mediated communication 11 (2), 522-535, 2006
Eight social media challenges for marketing managers
CF Hofacker, D Belanche
Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC 20 (2), 73-80, 2016
Digital marketing and business-to-business relationships: a close look at the interface and a roadmap for the future
C Hofacker, I Golgeci, KG Pillai, DM Gligor
European Journal of Marketing 54 (6), 1161-1179, 2020
E-services: a synthesis and research agenda
CF Hofacker, RE Goldsmith, E Bridges, E Swilley
Journal of Value Chain Management 1 (1/2), 13-44, 2007
World Wide Web banner advertisement copy testing
CF Hofacker, J Murphy
European Journal of Marketing 32 (7/8), 703-712, 1998
Customer information sharing with e-vendors: The roles of incentives and trust
K Premazzi, S Castaldo, M Grosso, P Raman, S Brudvig, CF Hofacker
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 14 (3), 63-91, 2010
Adding store to web: migration and synergy effects in multi-channel retailing
E Fornari, D Fornari, S Grandi, M Menegatti, CF Hofacker
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 44 (6), 658-674, 2016
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