María Emma Eyrea Irazú
Cited by
Cited by
Symmetries and periodic orbits in simple hybrid Routhian systems
LJ Colombo, MEE Irazú
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 36, 100857, 2020
Generalized hybrid momentum maps and reduction by symmetries of forced mechanical systems with inelastic collisions
LJ Colombo, M De León, MEE Irazú, A López-Gordón
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.02573, 2021
Reduction by Symmetries of Simple Hybrid Mechanical Systems
MEE Irazú, L Colombo, A Bloch
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (19), 94-99, 2021
A note on Hybrid Routh reduction for time-dependent Lagrangian systems
LJ Colombo, MEE Irazú, EGT Andrés
Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 2020, vol. 12, no 2, p. 309, 2020
Hybrid Routhian reduction for simple hybrid forced Lagrangian systems
MEE Irazú, A López-Gordón, M de León, LJ Colombo
2022 European Control Conference (ECC), 345-350, 2022
Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory and integrability for nonholonomic and forced hybrid systems
L Colombo, M de León, MEE Irazú, A López-Gordón
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.06252, 2022
Symplectic and cosymplectic reduction for simple hybrid forced mechanical systems with symmetries
LJ Colombo, M de León, ME Eyrea Irazú, A López-Gordón
Available at SSRN 4089151, 2021
Hamilton–Jacobi theory for nonholonomic and forced hybrid mechanical systems
L Colombo, M De Leon, MEE Irazu, A Lopez-Gordon
Geometric Mechanics, 2024
Lagrangian Mechanics and Routh reduction for an ASV-UAV system based on Cluster-space formulation
LJ Colombo, MEE Irazú, MD Sanchez, M Zuccalli
Proceeding of IX MACI 2023 9, 127-130, 2023
Reduction by Symmetries and Higher-Order Magnetic Systems
LJ Colombo, MEE Irazú, M Zuccalli
Proceeding of VIII MACI 2021 8, 163-166, 2021
Aspectos geométricos y numéricos de los sistemas mecánicos con términos magnéticos
ME Eyrea Irazú
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2019
Aplicación momento discreta y sus propiedades de equivarianza
ME Eyrea Irazú, M Zuccalli, LJ Colombo
Investigación Joven 6, 2019
Sistemas Lagrangianos mecánicos para un sistema ASV-UAV basado en la formulación de espacio de Cluster
MEE Irazu
Reducción de simetrıas para sistemas hıbridos forzados con colisiones inelásticas
MEE Irazu
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Articles 1–14