Jürgen Greifeneder
Jürgen Greifeneder
Professor für Mechatronik, Hochschule RheinMain, Deutschland
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ThermoBondLib–A New Modelica Library for Modeling Convective Flows
FE Cellier, J Greifeneder
Proceedings of the 6th International Modelica Conference 1, 163-172, 2008
Object-oriented engineering data exchange as a base for automatic generation of simulation models
M Barth, M Strube, A Fay, P Weber, J Greifeneder
Industrial Electronics, 2009. IECON'09. 35th Annual Conference of IEEE, 2465 …, 2009
Optimizing quality of control in networked automation systems using probabilistic models
J Greifeneder, G Frey
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2006. ETFA'06. IEEE Conference …, 2006
Modeling Convective Flows Using Bond Graphs
J Greifeneder, FE Cellier
ICBGM 2001 (International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling), 276-284, 2001
Modeling Multiphase Systems Using Bond Graphs
J Greifeneder, FE Cellier
ICBGM 2001 (International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling), 285-291, 2001
Probabilistic delay time analysis in networked automation systems
J Greifeneder, G Frey
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2005. ETFA 2005. 10th IEEE …, 2005
Comparing Simulative and Formal Methods for the Analysis of Response Times in Networked Automation Systems
J Greifeneder, L Liu, G Frey
IFAC World Congress 17 (1), 5113-5118, 2008
Bond graph modeling of heat and humidity budgets of biosphere 2
FE Cellier, A Nebot, J Greifeneder
Environmental Modelling & Software 21 (11), 1598-1606, 2006
Probabilistic timed automata for modeling networked automation systems
J Greifeneder, G Frey
proc. 1st IFAC DCDS, Cachan, 143-148, 2007
Modeling Chemical Reactions Using Bond Graphs
J Greifeneder, FE Cellier
ICBGM 2012, 110-121, 2012
Reactivity analysis of different networked automation system architectures
J Greifeneder, G Frey
2008 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2008
Probabilistic hybrid automata with variable step width applied to the analysis of networked automation systems
J Greifeneder, G Frey
Proc. 3rd IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event System Design. IFAC, 283-288, 2006
Modeling Chemical Reactions in Modelica By Use of Chemo-bonds
FE Cellier, J Greifeneder
ICBGM 2009, 142-150, 2009
DesLaNAS-a language for describing Networked Automation Systems
J Greifeneder, G Frey
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2007. ETFA. IEEE Conference on …, 2007
Object-oriented modeling of convective flows using the Dymola thermo-bond-graph library
FE Cellier, J Greifeneder
SIMULATION SERIES 35 (2), 198-206, 2003
Modellierung thermodynamischer Phänomene mittels Bondgraphen
J Greifeneder
Diploma Thesis, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2001
Determination of Delay Times in Failure Afflicted Networked Automation Systems using Probabilistic Model Checking
J Greifeneder, G Frey
Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), Turin …, 2006
Modeling Multi-Element Systems Using Bond Graphs
J Greifeneder, FE Cellier
ESS 2001 (European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition), 758-766, 2001
Next Generation Factory Acceptance Test
M Hoernicke, J Greifeneder
Jahresbericht ABB Forschungszentrum 2011, 83-89, 2012
Methoden zur Antwortzeitanalyse in vernetzten Automatisierungssystemen
J Greifeneder, L Liu, G Frey
SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2007, 517-525, 2007
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