Michael Aeberhard
Michael Aeberhard
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Experience, results and lessons learned from automated driving on Germany's highways
M Aeberhard, S Rauch, M Bahram, G Tanzmeister, J Thomas, Y Pilat, ...
IEEE Intelligent transportation systems magazine 7 (1), 42-57, 2015
A combined model-and learning-based framework for interaction-aware maneuver prediction
M Bahram, C Hubmann, A Lawitzky, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (6), 1538-1550, 2016
A game-theoretic approach to replanning-aware interactive scene prediction and planning
M Bahram, A Lawitzky, J Friedrichs, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (6), 3981-3992, 2015
Track-to-track fusion with asynchronous sensors using information matrix fusion for surround environment perception
M Aeberhard, S Schlichtharle, N Kaempchen, T Bertram
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 13 (4), 1717-1726, 2012
High-level sensor data fusion architecture for vehicle surround environment perception
M Aeberhard, N Kaempchen
Proc. 8th Int. Workshop Intell. Transp 665, 1-7, 2011
A prediction-based reactive driving strategy for highly automated driving function on freeways
M Bahram, A Wolf, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 400-406, 2014
Object existence probability fusion using dempster-shafer theory in a high-level sensor data fusion architecture
M Aeberhard, S Paul, N Kaempchen, T Bertram
2011 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 770-775, 2011
A generic driving strategy for urban environments
C Hubmann, M Aeberhard, C Stiller
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
Please take over! An analysis and strategy for a driver take over request during autonomous driving
M Bahram, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
2015 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 913-919, 2015
Automated Driving with ROS at BMW
M Aeberhard, T Kühbeck, B Seidl, M Friedl, J Thomas, O Scheickl
ROSCon 2015 Hamburg, Germany, 35, 2015
Object-level fusion for surround environment perception in automated driving applications
M Aeberhard
VDI Verlag, 2017
Reliable automotive pre-crash system with out-of-sequence measurement processing
MM Muntzinger, M Aeberhard, S Zuther, M Maehlisch, M Schmid, ...
2010 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 1022-1027, 2010
Track-to-track fusion with asynchronous sensors and out-of-sequence tracks using information matrix fusion for advanced driver assistance systems
M Aeberhard, A Rauch, M Rabiega, N Kaempchen, T Bertram
2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 1-6, 2012
Autonomes Fahren auf der Autobahn–eine Potentialstudie für zukünftige Fahrerassistenzsysteme
S Rauch, M Aeberhard, M Ardelt, N Kämpchen
5. Tagung Fahrerassistenz, 2012
Object classification in a high-level sensor data fusion architecture for advanced driver assistance systems
M Aeberhard, T Bertram
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
Technologies for highly automated driving on highways
N Kämpchen, M Aeberhard, M Ardelt, S Rauch
ATZ worldwide 114 (6), 34-38, 2012
Tracking in a cluttered environment with out-of-sequence measurements
MM Muntzinger, M Aeberhard, F Schröder, F Sarholz, K Dietmayer
2009 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety …, 2009
Online active calibration for a multi-lrf system
G Xie, T Xu, C Isert, M Aeberhard, S Li, M Liu
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
Generatives prädiktionsmodell zur frühzeitigen spurwechselerkennung
M Bahram, A Lohrer, M Aeberhard
9. FAS-Workshop Fahrerassistenzsysteme Walting, 2014
Der bmw nothalteassistent: Hochautomatisiertes fahren für mehr sicherheit im straßenverkehr
N Kaempchen, M Aeberhard, P Waldmann, M Ardelt, S Rauch
Elektronik Automotive 8 (9), 26-29, 2011
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