Valentin Ritschl
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Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben
V Ritschl, R Weigl, T Stamm
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016
EULAR points to consider for the development, evaluation and implementation of mobile health applications aiding self-management in people living with rheumatic and …
A Najm, E Nikiphorou, M Kostine, C Richez, JD Pauling, A Finckh, ...
RMD open 5 (2), e001014, 2019
People’s willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 despite their safety concerns: Twitter poll analysis
F Eibensteiner, V Ritschl, FA Nawaz, SS Fazel, C Tsagkaris, ST Kulnik, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (4), e28973, 2021
Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine fatigue
TA Stamm, J Partheymüller, E Mosor, V Ritschl, S Kritzinger, A Alunno, ...
Nature medicine 29 (5), 1164-1171, 2023
2019 EULAR recommendations for the generic core competences of health professionals in rheumatology
L Edelaar, E Nikiphorou, GE Fragoulis, A Iagnocco, C Haines, M Bakkers, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 79 (1), 53-60, 2020
2020 EULAR points to consider for the prevention, screening, assessment and management of non-adherence to treatment in people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases for …
V Ritschl, TA Stamm, D Aletaha, JWJ Bijlsma, P Böhm, RG Dragoi, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 80 (6), 707-713, 2021
Coronavirus vaccine hesitancy among unvaccinated Austrians: Assessing underlying motivations and the effectiveness of interventions based on a cross-sectional survey with two …
TA Stamm, J Partheymüller, E Mosor, V Ritschl, S Kritzinger, JM Eberl
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 17, 2022
EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis
I Parodis, C Girard-Guyonvarc’h, L Arnaud, O Distler, A Domján, ...
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 83 (6), 720-729, 2024
Qualitative forschung
S Perkhofer, V Gebhart, G Tucek, FJ Wertz, R Weigl, V Ritschl, H Ritschl, ...
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben: Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für …, 2023
The methodological quality is insufficient in clinical practice guidelines in the context of COVID-19: systematic review
TA Stamm, MR Andrews, E Mosor, V Ritschl, LC Li, JK Ma, ...
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 135, 125-135, 2021
An intergenerational program based on psycho-motor activity promotes well-being and interaction between preschool children and older adults: Results of a process and outcome …
E Mosor, K Waldherr, I Kjeken, M Omara, V Ritschl, V Pinter-Theiss, ...
BMC Public Health 19, 1-13, 2019
Prevention, screening, assessing and managing of non-adherent behaviour in people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: systematic reviews Informing the 2020 EULAR …
V Ritschl, TA Stamm, D Aletaha, JWJ Bijlsma, P Böhm, R Dragoi, E Dures, ...
RMD open 6 (3), e001432, 2020
I do not want to suppress the natural process of inflammation: new insights on factors associated with non-adherence in rheumatoid arthritis
V Ritschl, A Lackner, C Boström, E Mosor, M Lehner, M Omara, R Ramos, ...
Arthritis Research & Therapy 20, 1-11, 2018
Rapid response in the COVID-19 pandemic: a Delphi study from the European Pediatric Dialysis Working Group
F Eibensteiner, V Ritschl, G Ariceta, A Jankauskiene, G Klaus, ...
Pediatric nephrology 35, 1669-1678, 2020
Patient-reported outcome measures for pediatric dental patients: a methodological review and mapping exercise
S Shayestehpour, K Sharma, E Mosor, M Omara, V Ritschl, ...
Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 22 (1), 101661, 2022
Readiness for and response to coronavirus disease 2019 among pediatric healthcare providers: the role of simulation for pandemics and other disasters
M Wagner, C Jaki, RM Löllgen, L Mileder, F Eibensteiner, V Ritschl, ...
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 22 (6), e333-e338, 2021
Development of classification criteria for hand osteoarthritis: comparative analyses of persons with and without hand osteoarthritis
IK Haugen, DT Felson, A Abhishek, F Berenbaum, S Bierma-Zeinstra, ...
RMD open 6 (2), e001265, 2020
2023 EULAR recommendations for the management of fatigue in people with inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases
E Dures, B Farisoğulları, EJF Santos, A Molto, C Feldthusen, C Harris, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 83 (10), 1260-1267, 2024
Outcomes research in non-specific low back pain: Knowledge transfer in clinical practice
TA Stamm, A Boesendorfer, M Omara, V Ritschl, S Štefanac, E Mosor
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 131, 550-557, 2019
Stichprobenverfahren und Stichprobengröße
V Ritschl, T Stamm
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben: Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für …, 2023
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