Valerie-Anne Maheo
Valerie-Anne Maheo
Professor of political science, Université Laval
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Cited by
The impact of mobilization media on off-line and online participation: Are mobilization effects medium-specific?
S Vissers, M Hooghe, D Stolle, VA Maheo
Social Science Computer Review 30 (2), 152-169, 2012
The potential of Internet mobilization: An experimental study on the effect of Internet and face-to-face mobilization efforts
M Hooghe, S Vissers, D Stolle, VA Mahéo
Political Communication 27 (4), 406-431, 2010
Why can’ta student be more like an average person?: Sampling and attrition effects in social science field and laboratory experiments
M Hooghe, D Stolle, VA Mahéo, S Vissers
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 628 (1 …, 2010
Is the Parti Québécois bound to disappear? A study of the current generational dynamics of electoral behaviour in Quebec
VA Mahéo, É Bélanger
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2018
The impact of voting advice applications on electoral preferences: A field experiment in the 2014 Quebec election
VA Mahéo
Policy & Internet 8 (4), 391-411, 2016
Information campaigns and (under) privileged citizens: An experiment on the differential effects of a voting advice application
VA Mahéo
Political Communication 34 (4), 511-529, 2017
La non-participation politique des jeunes: Une étude des barrières temporaires et permanentes de l'engagement
VA Mahéo, Y Dejaeghere, D Stolle
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2012
Le nouvel électeur québécois
É Bélanger, JF Daoust, VA Mahéo, R Nadeau
Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2022
Lowering the voting age to 16? A comparative study on the political competence and engagement of underage and adult youth
VA Mahéo, É Bélanger
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2020
Le Parti québécois dans le nouveau système multipartite: évolution des appuis générationnels au PQ de 2007 à 2018
É Bélanger, VA Mahéo
Politique et Sociétés 39 (3), 19-55, 2020
La participation politique des jeunes se trouverait-elle ailleurs?
VA Mahéo
Les Cahiers du 27 juin 4 (1), 54-57, 2008
Generation Z: Portrait of a new generation of young Canadians and how they compare to older Canadians
VA Mahéo, E Bélanger
Canada: A Report Commissioned By Elections Canada, 2021
The potential of political mobilization. An experiment on Internet and face-to-face mobilization
S Vissers, M Hooghe, VA Mahéo, D Stolle
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, August …, 2008
De la pensée et de l'action: l'engagement de jeunes dans le mouvement anti/altermondialiste au Québec
VA Mahéo-Le Luel
Université de Montréal, 2005
Who are the young people who do not participate
Y Dejaeghere, VA Maheo, D Stolle
Paper gepresenteerd op de Conference Youth and Politics: Strange bedfellows …, 2008
Young People: Politics and Digital Technologies
A Harell, D Stolle, P Duguay, A Mahéo
Digital Politics in Canada, 202-222, 2020
Get-Out-The-Children’s-Vote: A Field Experiment On Families’ Mobilization and Participation in the Election’
VA Mahéo
Working paper, Université Laval, 1-27, 2019
The Electoral Participation of Diverse Canadian Youth in the 2015 Federal Election
VA Mahéo, S Vissers
Ottawa: Elections Canada, 2016
Can voting aid applications mobilize disadvantaged citizens? A field experiment in the 2014 Quebec election
VA Mahéo
A Field Experiment in the, 2014
Les courants nationalistes à l’épreuve des générations: analyses des attitudes et choix de vote des Québécois. es de 2007 à 2022
VA Mahéo, É Bélanger
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2024
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Articles 1–20