Yating Tang
Yating Tang
NSW Department of Planning and Environment
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Tools for investigating the prior distribution in Bayesian hydrology
Y Tang, L Marshall, A Sharma, T Smith
Journal of Hydrology 538, 551-562, 2016
A Bayesian alternative for multi-objective ecohydrological model specification
Y Tang, L Marshall, A Sharma, H Ajami
Journal of Hydrology 556, 25-38, 2018
Modelling precipitation uncertainties in a multi-objective Bayesian ecohydrological setting
Y Tang, L Marshall, A Sharma, H Ajami
Advances in Water Resources 123, 12-22, 2019
Ecohydrologic error models for improved Bayesian inference in remotely sensed catchments
Y Tang, L Marshall, A Sharma, H Ajami, DJ Nott
Water Resources Research 55 (6), 4533-4549, 2019
Bias-correcting input variables enhances forecasting of reference crop evapotranspiration
Q Yang, QJ Wang, K Hakala, Y Tang
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (9), 4773-4788, 2021
Using ensemble streamflow forecasts to inform seasonal outlooks for water allocations in the Murray Darling basin
TDJ Graham, QJ Wang, Y Tang, A Western, W Wu, G Ortlipp, M Bailey, ...
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 149 (9), 05023007, 2023
Using Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts to Improve Seasonal Outlooks of Water Allocation
QJ WANG, T Graham, Y Tang, AW Western, W Wu, G Ortlipp, M Bailey, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H43F-05, 2022
Bias-correcting individual inputs prior to combined calibration leads to more skillful forecasts of reference crop evapotranspiration
Q Yang, QJ Wang, K Hakala, Y Tang
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-22, 2021
Seasonal water demand forecasting: A case study in the Southern Murray Darling basin, Australia
K Hakala, QJ Wang, R Rendell, A Western, W Wu, A Korn, Q Yang, ...
HWRS 2021: Digital Water: Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2021 …, 2021
Precipitation forecasts for Australia-from numerical weather prediction outputs to well calibrated ensembles
QJ WANG, Q Yang, Y Tang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, A21O-2766, 2019
Using Satellite Information to Define Output Uncertainties for Bayesian Ecohydrological Modelling
Y Tang, LA Marshall, A Sharma, H Ajami
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H43B-25, 2018
A Bayesian Perspective on Ecohydrologic Model Uncertainties
L Marshall, Y Tang, H Ajami, A Sharma
Multi-objective Uncertainty Analysis of Ecohydrological Systems: a Bayesian Approach
LA Marshall, Y Tang, H Ajami, A Sharma
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H22D-08, 2017
Prior information and multi-objective analysis in Bayesian ecohydrological modeling
Y Tang
UNSW Sydney, 2017
Uncertainty Analysis for a Bayesian Multi-objective Ecohydrological Study
Y Tang, LA Marshall, A Sharma, H Ajami
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, H11A-1270, 2016
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