Nils McCune
Cited by
Cited by
Can the state take agroecology to scale? Public policy experiences in agroecological territorialization from Latin America
OF Giraldo, N McCune
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43 (7-8), 785-809, 2019
Agroecology and La Via Campesina II. Peasant agroecology schools and the formation of a sociohistorical and political subject
P Rosset, V Val, LP Barbosa, N McCune
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43 (7-8), 895-914, 2019
Teaching the territory: Agroecological pedagogy and popular movements
N McCune, M Sánchez
Critical Adult Education in Food Movements, 75-90, 2022
Mediated territoriality: Rural workers and the efforts to scale out agroecology in Nicaragua
N McCune, PM Rosset, TC Salazar, A Saldívar Moreno, H Morales
The Journal of Peasant Studies 44 (2), 354-376, 2017
The Long Road: Rural Youth, Farming and Agroecological Formación in Central America
N McCune, PM Rosset, T Cruz Salazar, H Morales, A Saldivar Moreno
Mind, Culture, and Activity 24 (3), 183-198, 2017
Agroecological formación in rural social movements
N McCune, J Reardon, P Rosset
The Radical Teacher, 31-37, 2014
Pensamiento Latinoamericano Agroecológico: the emergence of a critical Latin American agroecology?
PM Rosset, LP Barbosa, V Val, N McCune
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 45 (1), 42-64, 2021
Global questions, local answers: soil management and sustainable intensification in diverse socioeconomic contexts of Cuba
NM McCune, YR González, EA Alcántara, OF Martínez, CO Fundora, ...
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 35 (6), 650-670, 2011
Peasant balances and agroecological scaling in Puerto Rican coffee farming
N McCune, I Perfecto, K Avilés-Vázquez, J Vázquez-Negrón, ...
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43 (7-8), 810-826, 2019
Critical Latin American agroecology as a regionalism from below
PM Rosset, LP Barbosa, V Val, N McCune
Globalizations 19 (4), 635-652, 2022
Traditional fire use, governance and social dynamics in a Biosphere Reserve of Chiapas, Mexico
F Guevara-Hernández, H Gómez-Castro, L Medina-Sansón, ...
Pensee 75 (11), 110-125, 2013
Amplifying agroecology in Vermont: Principles and processes to foster food systems sustainability
M Caswell, R Maden, N McCune, VE Mendez, G Bucini, J Anderzen, ...
Family, territory, nation: post-neoliberal agroecological scaling in Nicaragua.
N McCune
Food Chain (2046-1887) 6 (2), 2016
Social-ecological resilience and maize farming in Chiapas, Mexico
NM McCune, F Guevara-Hernández, J Nahed-Toral, P Mendoza-Nazar, ...
Sustainable Development-Authoritative and Leading Edge Content for …, 2012
Agroecología y La Vía Campesina II. Las escuelas campesinas de agroecología y la formación de un sujeto sociohistórico y político
PM Rosset, V Val, LP Barbosa, N McCUNE
Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente 58, 531-550, 2021
Cultivating pedagogy for transformative learning: A decade of undergraduate agroecology education
CE Horner, C Morse, N Carpenter, KL Nordstrom, JW Faulkner, T Mares, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 751115, 2021
Who´ s Who? Power Mapping, Decision Making and Development Concerns in an Indigenous Community of Oaxaca, Mexico
F Guevara-Hernández, NM McCune, LA Rodríguez-Larramendi, ...
Journal of Human Ecology 36 (2), 131-144, 2011
Participatory power mapping: A collective identification of development actors in a small cattle village of Chiapas, Mexico
F Guevara-Hernández, J Ovando-Cruz, NM McCune, R Pinto-Ruiz, ...
International Journal of Technology and Development Studies 1, 5-28, 2010
10. Disaster colonialism and agroecological brigades in post-disaster Puerto Rico
N McCune, I Perfecto, J Vandermeer, KA Vásquez
Popular education in the ends and means of empowerment: Peasants in indigenous Mexico
F Guevara-Hernández, NM McCune, L Rodríguez-Larramendi, ...
Forum for Development Studies 39 (2), 257-281, 2012
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Articles 1–20