Konrad Szymański
Konrad Szymański
Research Center for Quantum Information, Bratislava
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Cited by
Classification of joint numerical ranges of three hermitian matrices of size three
K Szymański, S Weis, K Życzkowski
Linear algebra and its applications 545, 148-173, 2018
Efficient polarization of high-angular-momentum systems
SM Rochester, K Szymański, M Raizen, S Pustelny, M Auzinsh, D Budker
Physical Review A 94 (4), 043416, 2016
Geometric and algebraic origins of additive uncertainty relations
K Szymański, K Życzkowski
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53 (1), 015302, 2019
Calibration of photomultipliers gain used in the J-PET detector
T Bednarski, E Czerwiński, P Moskal, P Białas, K Giergiel, Ł Kapłon, ...
Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 10 (1), 13-17, 2014
Separability gap and large-deviation entanglement criterion
J Czartowski, K Szymański, B Gardas, YV Fyodorov, K Życzkowski
Physical Review A 100 (4), 042326, 2019
Simulations of γ quanta scattering in a single module of the J-PET detector
K Szymański, P Moskal, T Bednarski, P Białas, E Czerwiński, K Giergiel, ...
Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 10 (2), 71-77, 2014
Convex set of quantum states with positive partial transpose analysed by hit and run algorithm
K Szymański, B Collins, T Szarek, K Życzkowski
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (25), 255206, 2017
Determination of the map of efficiency of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) detector with the GATE package
P Kowalski, L Raczyński, T Bednarski, P Białas, E Czerwiński, K Giergiel, ...
Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 10 (2), 85-90, 2014
Confident entanglement detection via the separable numerical range
T Simnacher, J Czartowski, K Szymański, K Życzkowski
Physical Review A 104 (4), 042420, 2021
List-mode reconstruction in 2D strip PET
P Białas, J Kowal, A Strzelecki, T Bednarski, E Czerwiński, K Giergiel, ...
Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 10 (1), 9-12, 2014
Uncertainty relations and joint numerical ranges
K Szymański
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.03464, 2017
Universal witnesses of vanishing energy gap
K Szymański, K Życzkowski
Europhysics Letters 136 (3), 30003, 2022
Numerical ranges and geometry in quantum information: Entanglement, uncertainty relations, phase transitions, and state interconversion
K Szymański
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.07390, 2023
Rotational covariance restricts available quantum states
F Otto, K Szymański
Physical Review A 110 (2), 022440, 2024
Useful entanglement can be extracted from noisy graph states
K Szymański, L Vandré, O Gühne
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.00937, 2024
Geometria stanów kwantowych
K Szymański
Quantum correlation protection through spin self-rephasing in a one-dimensional Bose gas
K Szymański, K Pawłowski
Physical Review A 101 (1), 013432, 2020
Evolution of entanglement under an Ising-like Hamiltonian with particle losses
K Szymański, K Pawłowski
Physical Review A 96 (6), 062312, 2017
Evolution of entanglement under an Ising-like Hamiltonian with particle losses
K Pawlowski, K Szymański
Physical Review A: Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015] 96 (6), 2017
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Articles 1–19