Marcin Słowik
Marcin Słowik
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
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Zitiert von
Your choice mator (s): large-scale quantitative anonymity assessment of tor path selection algorithms against structural attacks
M Backes, S Meiser, M Slowik
Strongly deniable identification schemes immune to prover’s and verifier’s ephemeral leakage
Ł Krzywiecki, M Słowik
International Conference for Information Technology and Communications, 115-128, 2017
Schnorr-like identification scheme resistant to malicious subliminal setting of ephemeral secret
Ł Krzywiecki, A Bobowski, M Słowik, M Słowik, P Kozieł
Computer Networks 179, 107346, 2020
Pseudonymous signature schemes
P Błaśkiewicz, L Hanzlik, K Kluczniak, Ł Krzywiecki, M Kutyłowski, ...
Advances in Cyber Security: Principles, Techniques, and Applications, 185-255, 2019
Statistical Testing of PRNG: Generalized Gambler’s Ruin Problem
P Lorek, M Słowik, F Zagórski
International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information …, 2017
An efficient verification of CL-LRSW signatures and a pseudonym certificate system
M Slowik, M Wszola
Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on ASIA Public-Key …, 2017
Anonymous Deniable Identification in Ephemeral Setup and Leakage Scenarios (Brief Announcement)
Ł Krzywiecki, M Kutyłowski, J Pezda, M Słowik
Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning: Third International …, 2019
Anonymous deniable identification in ephemeral setup & leakage scenarios
Ł Krzywiecki, M Kutyłowski, J Pezda, M Słowik
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019
Signature-in-signature: the last line of defence in case of signing key compromise
P Błaśkiewicz, M Kutyłowski, M Słowik
ESORICS, Part II. LNCS 12973, 777-782, 0
GDPR-Compliant Reputation System Based on Self-certifying Domain Signatures
M Kutyłowski, J Lemiesz, M Słowik, M Słowik, K Kluczniak, M Gebala
Information Security Practice and Experience: 15th International Conference …, 2019
Reducing Complexity of Pairing Comparisons using Polynomial Evaluation
A Bobowski, M Słowik
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2018
Your choice mator (s)
M Backes, S Meiser, M Slowik
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2016 (2), 40-60, 2016
Your choice MATor (s): large-scale quantitative anonymity
M Backes, S Meiser, M Slowik
Saarländische Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek, 2015
Brief Announcement Anonymous Deniable Identification in Ephemeral Setup & Leakage Scenarios
Ł Krzywiecki, M Kutyłowski, M Słowik, J Pezda
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Artikel 1–14