Jana Heigwer, PhD
Jana Heigwer, PhD
Children's Hospital Heidelberg
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miR-128 regulates non-myocyte hyperplasia, deposition of extracellular matrix and Islet1 expression during newt cardiac regeneration
N Witman, J Heigwer, B Thaler, WO Lui, JI Morrison
Developmental biology 383 (2), 253-263, 2013
In vivo High-Content Screening in Zebrafish for Developmental Nephrotoxicity of Approved Drugs
JH Westhoff, PJ Steenbergen, LSV Thomas, J Heigwer, T Bruckner, ...
Front Cell Dev Biol, 2020
A Multiparametric Assay Platform for Simultaneous In Vivo Assessment of Pronephric Morphology, Renal Function and Heart Rate in Larval Zebrafish
PJ Steenbergen, J Heigwer, G Pandey, B Tönshoff, J Gehrig, JH Westhoff
Cells 9 (5), 1269, 2020
An Experimental Workflow for Studying Barrier Integrity, Permeability, and Tight Junction Composition and Localization in a Single Endothelial Cell Monolayer: Proof of Concept
M Bartosova, D Ridinger, I Marinovic, J Heigwer, C Zhang, E Levai, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 22 (15), 8178, 2021
Extracellular Vesicle-delivered Bone Morphogenetic Proteins: A novel paracrine mechanism during embryonic development
T Draebing, J Heigwer, L Juergensen, HA Katus, D Hassel
bioRxiv, 321356, 2018
miR-103/107 regulates left-right asymmetry in zebrafish by modulating Kupffer’s vesicle development and ciliogenesis
J Heigwer, J Kutzner, M Haeussler, MD Burkhalter, T Draebing, ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 527 (2), 432-439, 2020
miR-103/107 controls heart positioning and morphogenesis by regulating left-right identity
J Heigwer, J Kutzner, HA Katus, D Hassel
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 37, 245-246, 2016
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