V. Joseph Hotz
V. Joseph Hotz
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Choosing among alternative nonexperimental methods for estimating the impact of social programs: The case of manpower training
JJ Heckman, VJ Hotz
Journal of the American statistical Association 84 (408), 862-874, 1989
Conditional choice probabilities and the estimation of dynamic models
VJ Hotz, RA Miller
The Review of Economic Studies 60 (3), 497-529, 1993
Dealing with limited overlap in estimation of average treatment effects
RK Crump, VJ Hotz, GW Imbens, OA Mitnik
Biometrika 96 (1), 187-199, 2009
The earned income tax credit
VJ Hotz
Means-tested transfer programs in the United States, 141-198, 2003
The economics of fertility in developed countries
VJ Hotz, JA Klerman, RJ Willis
Handbook of population and family economics 1, 275-347, 1997
Modeling college major choices using elicited measures of expectations and counterfactuals
P Arcidiacono, VJ Hotz, S Kang
Journal of Econometrics 166 (1), 3-16, 2012
Teenage childbearing and its life cycle consequences: Exploiting a natural experiment
VJ Hotz, SW McElroy, SG Sanders
Journal of Human Resources 40 (3), 683-715, 2005
An empirical analysis of life cycle fertility and female labor supply
VJ Hotz, RA Miller
Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 91-118, 1988
A simulation estimator for dynamic models of discrete choice
VJ Hotz, RA Miller, S Sanders, J Smith
The Review of Economic Studies 61 (2), 265-289, 1994
An investigation of the labor market earnings of panamanian males evaluating the sources of inequality
JJ Heckman, VJ Hotz
Journal of Human resources, 507-542, 1986
University differences in the graduation of minorities in STEM fields: Evidence from California
P Arcidiacono, EM Aucejo, VJ Hotz
American Economic Review 106 (3), 525-562, 2016
Nonparametric tests for treatment effect heterogeneity
RK Crump, VJ Hotz, GW Imbens, OA Mitnik
The Review of Economics and Statistics 90 (3), 389-405, 2008
Bounding causal effects using data from a contaminated natural experiment: Analysing the effects of teenage childbearing
VJ Hotz, CH Mullin, SG Sanders
The Review of Economic Studies 64 (4), 575-603, 1997
Are there returns to the wages of young men from working while in school?
VJ Hotz, LC Xu, M Tienda, A Ahituv
Review of Economics and statistics 84 (2), 221-236, 2002
Strategic parenting, birth order, and school performance
VJ Hotz, J Pantano
Journal of population economics 28, 911-936, 2015
The impacts of teenage childbearing on the mothers and the consequences of those impacts for government
VJ Hotz, SWI McElroy, SG Sanders
Kids having kids, 55-94, 2018
Intertemporal preferences and labor supply
VJ Hotz, FE Kydland, GL Sedlacek
Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 335-360, 1988
Predicting the efficacy of future training programs using past experiences at other locations
VJ Hotz, GW Imbens, JH Mortimer
Journal of econometrics 125 (1-2), 241-270, 2005
Multiperiod probit models and orthogonality condition estimation
RB Avery, LP Hansen, VJ Hotz
International Economic Review, 21-35, 1983
Moving the goalposts: Addressing limited overlap in the estimation of average treatment effects by changing the estimand
RK Crump, VJ Hotz, G Imbens, O Mitnik
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006
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