Richard Kolodziej
Richard Kolodziej
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Fostering group norm development and orientation while creating awareness contents for improving net-based collaborative problem solving
T Engelmann, MD Kozlov, R Kolodziej, RB Clariana
Computers in Human Behavior 37, 298-306, 2014
Preventing undesirable effects of mutual trust and the development of skepticism in virtual groups by applying the knowledge and information awareness approach
T Engelmann, R Kolodziej, FW Hesse
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1-25, 2014
Do Virtual Groups Recognize Situations in Which it is Advantageous to Create Digital Concept Maps?
T Engelmann, R Kolodziej
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Concept Mapping 1, 172-179, 2012
Improving Negotiations with Bar Charts: The Advantages of Priority Awareness
R Kolodziej, FW Hesse, T Engelmann
Computers in Human Behavior 60, 351-360, 2016
Using a Graphical Interface to Address New Post Bias in Online Discussion Forums
F Marbouti, AF Wise
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Inhibiting undesirable effects of mutual trust in net-based collaborative groups
T Engelmann, R Kolodziej, M Kozlov
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Improving negotiations through awareness
R Kolodziej
Universität Tübingen, 2017
Fostering Priority Awareness to Improve Joint Outcomes in Computer-Supported Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiations
R Kolodziej, T Engelmann
Joint International Conference of the INFORMS GDN Section and the EURO …, 2014
Exploring the Limits of Priority Awareness for Improving Performance in Integrative Negotiations
R Kolodziej, FW Hesse
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Artikel 1–9