Damayanti Buchori
Damayanti Buchori
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Multifunctional shade‐tree management in tropical agroforestry landscapes–a review
T Tscharntke, Y Clough, SA Bhagwat, D Buchori, H Faust, D Hertel, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (3), 619-629, 2011
Tradeoffs between income, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification
I Steffan-Dewenter, M Kessler, J Barkmann, MM Bos, D Buchori, S Erasmi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (12), 4973-4978, 2007
Mutually beneficial pollinator diversity and crop yield outcomes in small and large farms
LA Garibaldi, LG Carvalheiro, BE Vaissière, B Gemmill-Herren, J Hipólito, ...
Science 351 (6271), 388-391, 2016
Combining high biodiversity with high yields in tropical agroforests
Y Clough, J Barkmann, J Juhrbandt, M Kessler, TC Wanger, A Anshary, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (20), 8311-8316, 2011
Effects of land‐use intensity in tropical agroforestry systems on coffee flower‐visiting and trap‐nesting bees and wasps
AM Klein, I Steffan‐Dewenter, D Buchori, T Tscharntke
Conservation biology 16 (4), 1003-1014, 2002
A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator decline
LV Dicks, TD Breeze, HT Ngo, D Senapathi, J An, MA Aizen, P Basu, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (10), 1453-1461, 2021
Ecological and socio-economic functions across tropical land use systems after rainforest conversion
J Drescher, K Rembold, K Allen, P Beckschäfer, D Buchori, Y Clough, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes
Y Clough, VV Krishna, MD Corre, K Darras, LH Denmead, A Meijide, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13137, 2016
Alpha and beta diversity of plants and animals along a tropical land‐use gradient
M Kessler, S Abrahamczyk, M Bos, D Buchori, DD Putra, SR Gradstein, ...
Ecological Applications 19 (8), 2142-2156, 2009
Quantifying killing of orangutans and human-orangutan conflict in Kalimantan, Indonesia
E Meijaard, D Buchori, Y Hadiprakarsa, SS Utami-Atmoko, A Nurcahyo, ...
PloS one 6 (11), e27491, 2011
Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes
I Grass, C Kubitza, VV Krishna, MD Corre, O Mußhoff, P Pütz, J Drescher, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1186, 2020
Perkembangan dan kandungan nutrisi larva Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus)(Diptera: Stratiomyidae) pada bungkil kelapa sawit
R Rachmawati, D Buchori, P Hidayat, S Hem, MR Fahmi
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 7 (1), 28-28, 2010
Biocultural approaches to pollinator conservation
R Hill, G Nates-Parra, JJG Quezada-Euán, D Buchori, G LeBuhn, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (3), 214-222, 2019
Reducing fertilizer and avoiding herbicides in oil palm plantations—ecological and economic valuations
KFA Darras, MD Corre, G Formaglio, A Tjoa, A Potapov, F Brambach, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2, 65, 2019
Experimental biodiversity enrichment in oil-palm-dominated landscapes in Indonesia
M Teuscher, A Gérard, U Brose, D Buchori, Y Clough, M Ehbrecht, ...
Frontiers in plant science 7, 1538, 2016
Diversity of pollinator insects in relation to seed set of mustard (Brassica rapa L.: Cruciferae)
TRI Atmowidi, D Buchori, S Manuwoto, B Suryobroto, P Hidayat
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 14 (4), 155-161, 2007
The contribution of tropical secondary forest fragments to the conservation of fruit-feeding butterflies: effects of isolation and age
D Veddeler, CH Schulze, I Steffan-Dewenter, D Buchori, T Tscharntke
Biodiversity & Conservation 14, 3577-3592, 2005
Keanekaragaman Serangga pada Lahan Persawahan-Tepian Hutan: Indikator untuk Kesehatan Lingkungan Insect Diversity at the Forest Margin-Rice Field Interface: Indicator for a …
A Rizali, D Buchori, H Triwidodo
Journal of Biosciences 9 (2), 41-48, 2002
Can joint carbon and biodiversity management in tropical agroforestry landscapes be optimized?
M Kessler, D Hertel, HF Jungkunst, J Kluge, S Abrahamczyk, M Bos, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e47192, 2012
Why don't we ask? A complementary method for assessing the status of great apes
E Meijaard, K Mengersen, D Buchori, A Nurcahyo, M Ancrenaz, S Wich, ...
PloS one 6 (3), e18008, 2011
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