Elvis Hernández
Elvis Hernández
Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela
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Optical functions of chalcopyrite CuGaxIn1-xSe2 alloys
MI Alonso, M Garriga, CA Durante Rincón, E Hernández, M León
Applied Physics A 74, 659-664, 2002
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic gastric bypass are equally effective for reduction of cardiovascular risk in severely obese patients at one year of follow-up
D Benaiges, A Goday, JM Ramon, E Hernandez, M Pera, JF Cano, ...
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 7 (5), 575-580, 2011
Effect of structural disorder on the Urbach energy in Cu ternaries
SM Wasim, C Rincón, G Marín, P Bocaranda, E Hernández, I Bonalde, ...
Physical Review B 64 (19), 195101, 2001
Raman spectra of and ternary compounds
C Rincón, SM Wasim, G Marın, E Hernández, JM Delgado, J Galibert
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (6), 3439-3444, 2000
Optical transitions near the band edge in bulk CuInxGa1− xSe2 from ellipsometric measurements
CAD Rincón, E Hernández, MI Alonso, M Garriga, SM Wasim, C Rincón, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 70 (3), 300-304, 2001
Space‐Charge‐Limited Current Effects in p‐Type CuIn0. 8Ga0. 2Se2/In Schottky Diodes
E Hernandez
Crystal Research and Technology 33 (2), 285-289, 1998
Low-field negative magnetoresistance in the variable-range-hopping regime in copper indium diselenide
L Essaleh, J Galibert, SM Wasim, E Hernandez, J Leotin
Physical Review B 50 (24), 18040, 1994
Structural, optical and electrical properties of CuIn5Se8 and CuGa5Se8
L Durán, C Guerrero, E Hernández, JM Delgado, J Contreras, SM Wasim, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (9-10), 1907-1910, 2003
Raman spectra of the chalcopyrite compound CuGaTe2
C Rincón, SM Wasim, G Marın, E Hernández, J Galibert
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 62 (5), 847-855, 2001
Synthesis and growth of large stoichiometric single crystals of copper indium diselenide by horizontal varying gradient zone freeze technique
MA Arsène, A Albacete, F Voillot, JP Peyrade, A Barra, J Galibert, ...
Journal of crystal growth 158 (1-2), 97-102, 1996
Positive magnetoresistance in the variable-range-hopping regime in copper indium diselenide on either side of the critical field B c
L Essaleh, J Galibert, SM Wasim, E Hernandez, J Leotin
Physical Review B 52 (11), 7798, 1995
Electrical Resistivity and Thermally Stimulated Current in CuIn5Se8
E Hernandez, L Duran, CA Durante Rincón, G Aranguren, C Guerrero, ...
Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial …, 2002
Determination of the stoichiometry of CuxInySez by total-reflection XRF
R Fernández-Ruiz, JP Cabañero, E Hernández, M León
Analyst 126 (10), 1797-1799, 2001
Growth, structural characterization, and optical band gap of Cu(In1−xGax)5Se8 alloys
L Durán, SM Wasim, CA Durante Rincón, E Hernández, C Rincón, ...
physica status solidi (a) 199 (2), 220-226, 2003
Photoluminescence, infrared reflectivity, and Raman spectra of the ordered vacancy compound
C Rincón, SM Wasim, G Marın, E Hernández, GS Perez, J Galibert
Journal of Applied Physics 87 (5), 2293-2296, 2000
Structural, optical, and electrical properties of AgIn5Te8
A Sánchez, L Meléndez, J Castro, JA Hernández, E Hernández, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 97 (5), 2005
Photoluminescence in p-type CuInSe2 single crystals
C Rincon, SM Wasim, E Hernandez, MA Arsène, F Voillot, JP Peyrade, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59 (2), 245-252, 1998
Optical properties of the ordered defect compound CuIn5Te8
C Rincón, SM Wasim, R Márquez, L Nieves, G Marı́n, E Hernández, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63 (4), 581-589, 2002
Osmoregulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa under hyperosmotic shock.
R Velasco, R Burgoa, E Flores, E Hernandez, A Villa, S Vaca
Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia 37 (3), 209-216, 1995
Temperature dependence of the fundamental absorption edge in p-type CuInSe2
C Rincón, E Hernández, SM Wasim, I Molina
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59 (6-7), 1015-1019, 1998
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