Hannah Wallis
Hannah Wallis
Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
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What drives pro-environmental activism of young people? A survey study on the Fridays For Future movement
H Wallis, LS Loy
Journal of Environmental Psychology 74, 101581, 2021
Adolescents and electricity consumption; Investigating sociodemographic, economic, and behavioural influences on electricity consumption in households
H Wallis, M Nachreiner, E Matthies
Energy Policy 94, 224-234, 2016
COVID-19–A window of opportunity for the transition toward sustainable mobility?
K Schmidt, T Sieverding, H Wallis, E Matthies
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 10, 100374, 2021
Family socialization and sustainable consumption
E Matthies, H Wallis
Handbook of research on sustainable consumption, 268-282, 2015
The transmission of energy-saving behaviors in the family: A multilevel approach to the assessment of aggregated and single energy-saving actions of parents and adolescents
H Wallis, C Klöckner
Environment and Behavior 52 (3), 275-304, 2020
Empowering people to act for a better life for all
H Wallis, S Bamberg, M Schulte, E Matthies
European Psychologist, 2021
The unhappy shoulder: a conceptual review of the psychosomatics of shoulder pain
M Vogel, M Binneböse, H Wallis, CH Lohmann, F Junne, A Berth, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (18), 5490, 2022
Was kann die umweltpsychologie zu einer nachhaltigen entwicklung beitragen? umweltpsychologische forschung zu globalen umweltproblemen und ressourcenkonsum
E Matthies, H Wallis
Psychologie und Nachhaltigkeit: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen …, 2018
Towards Our Common Digital Future. Flagship Report.
D Messner, S Schlacke, M Fromhold-Eisebith, U Grote, E Matthies, K Pittel, ...
German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), 2019
# Fighteverycrisis: A psychological perspective on motivators of the support of mitigation measures in the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic
H Wallis, T Sieverding, K Schmidt, E Matthies
Journal of Environmental Psychology 84, 101898, 2022
Examining COVID-19-related changes toward more climate-friendly food consumption in Germany
K Schmidt, H Wallis, T Sieverding, E Matthies
Sustainability 14 (7), 4267, 2022
Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit durch Transformation: Die vier großen I
F Kraas, C Leggewie, P Lemke, E Matthies, D Messner, N Nakicenovic, ...
WBGU, 2016
The role of face masks within in-patient psychotherapy: Results of a survey among inpatients and healthcare professionals
R Erschens, SH Adam, C Weisshap, KE Giel, H Wallis, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 1030397, 2022
Unsere gemeinsame digitale Zukunft
D Messner, S Schlacke, M Fromhold-Eisebith, U Grote, E Matthies, K Pittel, ...
WBGU, 2019
Addressing psychosocial needs in patients with Long-COVID (PsyLoCo-Study): study protocol of a pilot-study of a specialized modular intervention
C Allwang, T Frank, P Bruckmann, A Dinkel, M Binneboese, H Wallis, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, 1305691, 2024
SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with physical but not mental fatigue–Findings from a longitudinal controlled population-based study
M Schurr, F Junne, P Martus, G Paul, JS Jürgensen, C Allwang, ...
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 178, 111598, 2024
Eine naturalistische Untersuchung zur Auswirkung häufiger antidepressiver Medikationen (wie SSRI) und der Acetylsalicylsäure (ASS) auf die Selbstbeurteilungen der Wahrnehmung …
M Binneböse, J Schott, H Wallis, C Kaiser, M Vogel
Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 69 (4), 369-382, 2023
Stress and Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in the General Population and in SARS-CoV-2-Infected Patients—Findings from a Population-Based Three-Wave Study
H Wallis, M Elgner, M Schurr, KE Giel, P Martus, G Paul, JS Jürgensen, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (19), 6240, 2023
How do appraisal as threat or challenge, efficacy, and environmental quality affect wellbeing in the COVID-19 pandemic?
H Wallis, V Holzen, T Sieverding, E Matthies, K Schmidt
Frontiers in Psychiatry 13, 1009977, 2023
Zeit-gerechte Klimapolitik: Vier Initiativen für Fairness
M Fromhold-Eisebith, U Grote, E Matthies, D Messner, K Pittel, ...
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU), 2018
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