Gregor M. Hörzer
Gregor M. Hörzer
Philosopher and former Computational Neuroscientist, University of Osnabrück
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Cited by
Theta coupling between V4 and prefrontal cortex predicts visual short-term memory performance
S Liebe, GM Hoerzer, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Nature neuroscience 15 (3), 456-462, 2012
Emergence of complex computational structures from chaotic neural networks through reward-modulated Hebbian learning
GM Hoerzer, R Legenstein, W Maass
Cerebral cortex 24 (3), 677-690, 2014
Directed coupling in local field potentials of macaque v4 during visual short-term memory revealed by multivariate autoregressive models
GM Hoerzer, S Liebe, A Schloegl, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 4, 1214, 2010
Understanding physicalism
GM Hörzer
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2020
Cognitive Naturalism and the Phenomenal Feel
GM Hörzer
Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 6 (3), 492-496, 2015
Eliminating the teacher in reservoir computing
GM Hörzer, R Legenstein, W Maass
2nd International Conference on Morphological Computation, 32-32, 2011
Reward-modulated hebbian learning is able to induce coherent patterns of activity and simple memory functions in initially chaotic recurrent neural networks
GM Hörzer
Workshop on Cognitive and neural models for automated processing of speech …, 2010
Long range coupling between V4 and PF in theta band during visual short-term memory
S Liebe, G Hoerzer, NK Logothetis, W Maass, G Rainer
39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2009), 2009
On the Relation of Reasons and Causes. A Critical Discussion of Donald Davidson‘s Theory of Action within the Context of his Anomalous Monism.
GM Hörzer
Institute for Philosophy, University of Graz, 2014
Analysis of Neural Data and Models of Neural Networks related to Working Memory
GM Hörzer
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Graz University of Technology, 2011
Long range coupling in theta between V4 and prefrontal cortex predicts visual memory performance
S Liebe, G Hoerzer, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2011), 2011
Oscillatory neuronal synchronization between prefrontal and extrastriate visual cortex during visual memory
S Liebe, G Hoerzer, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2010), 2010
Extraction of information about the behavioral state of monkeys from neuronal recordings with methods from machine learning
G Hoerzer
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Graz University of Technology, 2008
Computational Intelligence Seminar F
G Hörzer
Methods for the Analysis of Uni-, Bi-and Multivariate Data
G Hoerzer
Supplementary Materials for: Emergence of complex computational structures from chaotic neural networks through reward-modulated Hebbian learning
GM Hoerzer, R Legenstein, W Maass
Long range coupling between V4 and PFC in theta band during visual short-term memory.
G Hoerzer, N Logothetis, W Maass, G Rainer
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Articles 1–17