Stefan Hohberger
Stefan Hohberger
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The macroeconomic effects of quantitative easing in the euro area: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model
S Hohberger, R Priftis, L Vogel
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 108, 103756, 2019
The distributional effects of conventional monetary policy and quantitative easing: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model
S Hohberger, R Priftis, L Vogel
Journal of Banking & Finance 113, 105483, 2020
The global multi-country model (GM): an estimated DSGE model for the euro area countries
A Albonico, L Cales, R Cardani, O Croitorov, F Ferroni, M Giovannini, ...
JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, 2017
Fiscal policy, monetary regimes and current account dynamics
B Herz, S Hohberger
Review of International Economics 21 (1), 118-136, 2013
Euro area and US external adjustment: the role of commodity prices and emerging market shocks
M Giovannini, S Hohberger, R Kollmann, M Ratto, W Roeger, L Vogel
Journal of International Money and Finance 94, 183-205, 2019
Comparing post-crisis dynamics across Euro Area countries with the Global Multi-country model
A Albonico, L Calés, R Cardani, O Croitorov, F Ferroni, M Giovannini, ...
Economic Modelling 81, 242-273, 2019
Financial spillover and global risk in a multi-region model of the world economy
O Croitorov, M Giovannini, S Hohberger, M Ratto, L Vogel
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 177, 185-218, 2020
Is fiscal devaluation welfare enhancing?
S Hohberger, L Kraus
Economic Modelling 58, 512-522, 2016
The macroeconomic effects of unconventional monetary policy: Comparing euro area and US models with shadow rates
S Hohberger, M Ratto, L Vogel
Economic Modelling 127, 106438, 2023
Budgetary-neutral fiscal policy rules and external adjustment
S Hohberger, L Vogel, B Herz
Open Economies Review 25, 909-936, 2014
TARGET2: How costly is buying time?
A Erler, S Hohberger
CESifo Economic Studies 62 (3), 491-505, 2016
Should commodity exporters peg to the export price?
L Vogel, S Hohberger, B Herz
Review of Development Economics 19 (3), 486-501, 2015
Fiscal policy, monetary regimes and Current Account Dynamics
S Hohberger, B Herz
ZBW-Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Leibniz …, 2012
Domestic versus foreign drivers of trade (im) balances: How robust is evidence from estimated DSGE models?
R Cardani, S Hohberger, P Pfeiffer, L Vogel
Journal of International Money and Finance 121, 102509, 2022
The euro exchange rate and Germany's trade surplus
S Hohberger, M Ratto, L Vogel
International Finance 23 (1), 85-103, 2020
The real costs and profits of TARGET 2 balances
A Erler, S Hohberger
Universität Bayreuth, 2014
Rat (2019). The Global Multi-Country Model (GM): an Estimated DSGE Model for the Euro Area Countries
A Albonico, L Cales, R Cardani, O Croitorov, F Ferroni, M Giovannini, ...
Working Papers 2019-102, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (Ispra site), 0
Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing in the Euro Area
S Hohberger
Bank of Canada, 2018
The Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing in the Euro Area: Evidence from an Estimated DSGE Model
L Vogel, S Hohberger, R Priftis
Kiel, Hamburg: ZBW-Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften …, 2017
Is fiscal devaluation welfare enhancing? A model-based analysis
S Hohberger, L Kraus
ZBW-Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Leibniz …, 2015
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