Michal Pinhas
Michal Pinhas
Department of Psychology, Ariel University
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Mental movements without magnitude? A study of spatial biases in symbolic arithmetic
M Pinhas, MH Fischer
Cognition 109 (3), 408-415, 2008
Heed the signs: Operation signs have spatial associations
M Pinhas, S Shaki, MH Fischer
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (8), 1527-1540, 2014
Estimating linear effects in ANOVA designs: The easy way
M Pinhas, J Tzelgov, D Ganor-Stern
Behavior research methods 44, 788-794, 2012
Expanding on the mental number line: Zero is perceived as the “smallest”.
M Pinhas, J Tzelgov
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (5), 1187, 2012
Comparing two-digit numbers: The importance of being presented together
D Ganor-Stern, M Pinhas, J Tzelgov
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (3), 444-452, 2009
Heuristics and biases in mental arithmetic: revisiting and reversing operational momentum
S Shaki, M Pinhas, MH Fischer
Thinking & Reasoning 24 (2), 138-156, 2018
Holistic representation of negative numbers is formed when needed for the task
D Ganor-Stern, M Pinhas, A Kallai, J Tzelgov
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (10), 1969-1981, 2010
Electrophysiological evidence for the involvement of the approximate number system in preschoolers' processing of spoken number words
M Pinhas, SE Donohue, MG Woldorff, EM Brannon
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26 (9), 1891-1904, 2014
Primitives and non-primitives of numerical representations
J Tzelgov, D Ganor-Stern, A Kallai, M Pinhas
The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition, 45-66, 2015
Addition goes where the big numbers are: evidence for a reversed operational momentum effect
M Pinhas, S Shaki, MH Fischer
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 22, 993-1000, 2015
Zooming in and out from the mental number line: Evidence for a number range effect.
M Pinhas, EM Pothos, J Tzelgov
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (3), 972, 2013
Exploring the mental number line via the size congruity effect.
M Pinhas, J Tzelgov, I Guata-Yaakobi
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2010
On the indicators for perceiving empty sets as zero
R Zaks-Ohayon, M Pinhas, J Tzelgov
Acta Psychologica 213, 103237, 2021
The neural signatures of processing semantic end values in automatic number comparisons
M Pinhas, C Buchman, D Lavro, D Mesika, J Tzelgov, A Berger
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 645, 2015
Nonsymbolic and symbolic representations of null numerosity
R Zaks-Ohayon, M Pinhas, J Tzelgov
Psychological Research, 2021
Differential processing of “small” and “large” multidigit numbers
M Lozin, M Pinhas
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (3 …, 2022
Reduced electrophysiological habituation to novelty after trauma reflects heightened salience network detection
G Zukerman, M Pinhas, E Ben-Itzhak, L Fostick
Neuropsychologia 134, 107226, 2019
Sometimes nothing is simply nothing: Automatic processing of empty sets
Y Zagury, R Zaks-Ohayon, J Tzelgov, M Pinhas
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218211066436, 2021
No power: Exponential expressions are not processed automatically as such
A Feder, M Lozin, M Pinhas
Psychological Research 85, 2079-2097, 2021
Hypervigilance or shutdown? Electrophysiological processing of trauma-unrelated aversive stimuli after traumatic life events
G Zukerman, M Pinhas, M Icht
Experimental Brain Research 241 (4), 1185-1197, 2023
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