Jens Ackermann
Jens Ackermann
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A survey of photometric stereo techniques
J Ackermann, M Goesele
Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision 9 (3-4), 149-254, 2015
Photometric stereo for outdoor webcams
J Ackermann, F Langguth, S Fuhrmann, M Goesele
2012 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 262-269, 2012
Ambient point clouds for view interpolation
M Goesele, J Ackermann, S Fuhrmann, C Haubold, R Klowsky, D Steedly, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papers, 1-6, 2010
Direct resampling for isotropic surface remeshing.
S Fuhrmann, J Ackermann, T Kalbe, M Goesele
VMV, 9-16, 2010
Geometric Point Light Source Calibration.
J Ackermann, S Fuhrmann, M Goesele
VMV, 161-168, 2013
Scene reconstruction from community photo collections
M Goesele, J Ackermann, S Fuhrmann, R Klowsky, F Langguth, P Mücke, ...
Computer 43 (06), 48-53, 2010
Massively-Parallel Simulation of Biochemical Systems.
J Ackermann, P Baecher, T Franzel, M Goesele, K Hamacher
GI Jahrestagung, 739-750, 2009
Removing the example from example-based photometric stereo
J Ackermann, M Ritz, A Stork, M Goesele
Trends and Topics in Computer Vision: ECCV 2010 Workshops, Heraklion, Crete …, 2012
Robust hough transform based 3d reconstruction from circular light fields
A Vianello, J Ackermann, M Diebold, B Jähne
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
CUDA SURF-A real-time implementation for SURF
A Schulz, F Jung, S Hartte, D Trick, C Wojek, K Schindler, J Ackermann, ...
Internetseite: http://www. d2. mpi-inf. mpg. de/surf, 2011
Consensus multi-view photometric stereo
M Beljan, J Ackermann, M Goesele
Pattern Recognition: Joint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM Symposium, Graz, Austria …, 2012
Multi-view photometric stereo by example
J Ackermann, F Langguth, S Fuhrmann, A Kuijper, M Goesele
2014 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision 1, 259-266, 2014
Removing the example from photometric stereo by example
J Ackermann, M Ritz, A Stork, M Goesele
Proc. Workshop on Reconstruction and Modeling of Large-Scale 3D Virtual …, 2010
How bright is the moon? recovering and using absolute luminance values from internet images
J Ackermann, M Goesele
Computational Color Imaging: 4th International Workshop, CCIW 2013, Chiba …, 2013
Methods for Needle Motion Estimation from OCT Data.
J Ackermann, C Otte, G Hüttmann, A Schlaefer
CURAC, 208-213, 2016
Photometric Reconstruction from Images: New Scenarios and Approaches for Uncontrolled Input Data
J Ackermann
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2014
Direct Resampling
S Fuhrmann, J Ackermann, T Kalbe, M Goesele
Aalst, WMPV, KMV Hee, JMV Werf, and M. Verdonk," Auditing 2.0: Using Proces s
J Ackermann, S Agarwal, V Agarwal, WW Agresti, P Aiken, D Alan Grier, ...
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