Karen Aardal
Karen Aardal
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Cited by
Approximation algorithms for facility location problems
DB Shmoys, É Tardos, K Aardal
Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1997
Models and solution techniques for frequency assignment problems
KI Aardal, SPM Van Hoesel, AMCA Koster, C Mannino, A Sassano
Annals of Operations Research 153, 79-129, 2007
Factorization of a 512-bit RSA modulus
S Cavallar, B Dodson, AK Lenstra, W Lioen, PL Montgomery, B Murphy, ...
Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2000: International Conference on the …, 2000
An optimal bifactor approximation algorithm for the metric uncapacitated facility location problem
J Byrka, K Aardal
SIAM Journal on Computing 39 (6), 2212-2231, 2010
Capacitated facility location: separation algorithms and computational experience
K Aardal
Mathematical programming 81, 149-175, 1998
Models and solution techniques for frequency assignment problems
KI Aardal, SPM Van Hoesel, AMCA Koster, C Mannino, A Sassano
Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research …, 2003
A 3-approximation algorithm for the k-level uncapacitated facility location problem
K Aardal, FA Chudak, DB Shmoys
Information Processing Letters 72 (5-6), 161-167, 1999
Capacitated facility location: valid inequalities and facets
K Aardal, Y Pochet, LA Wolsey
Mathematics of Operations Research 20 (3), 562-582, 1995
Solving a system of linear Diophantine equations with lower and upper bounds on the variables
K Aardal, CAJ Hurkens, AK Lenstra
Mathematics of operations research 25 (3), 427-442, 2000
Hard equality constrained integer knapsacks
K Aardal, AK Lenstra
Mathematics of operations research 29 (3), 724-738, 2004
Non-standard approaches to integer programming
K Aardal, R Weismantel, LA Wolsey
Discrete Applied Mathematics 123 (1-3), 5-74, 2002
On the two-level uncapacitated facility location problem
K Aardal, M Labbé, J Leung, M Queyranne
INFORMS Journal on Computing 8 (3), 289-301, 1996
Approximation algorithms for hard capacitated k-facility location problems
K Aardal, PL van den Berg, D Gijswijt, S Li
European Journal of Operational Research 242 (2), 358-368, 2015
Time-dependent MEXCLP with start-up and relocation cost
PL van den Berg, K Aardal
European Journal of Operational Research 242 (2), 383-389, 2015
Market split and basis reduction: Towards a solution of the Cornuéjols-Dawande instances
K Aardal, RE Bixby, CAJ Hurkens, AK Lenstra, JW Smeltink
INFORMS Journal on Computing 12 (3), 192-202, 2000
Enhancing flexible transport services with demand-anticipatory insertion heuristics
M Van Engelen, O Cats, H Post, K Aardal
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 110, 110-121, 2018
Polyhedral techniques in combinatorial optimization I: Theory
K Aardal, CPM Van Hoesel
Statistica Neerlandica 50 (1), 3-26, 1996
Reformulation of capacitated facility location problems: how redundant information can help
K Aardal
Annals of Operations Research 82 (0), 289-308, 1998
A Benders decomposition based heuristic for the hierarchical production planning problem
K Aardal, T Larsson
European Journal of Operational Research 45 (1), 4-14, 1990
An optimisation algorithm for maximum independent set with applications in map labelling
B Verweij, K Aardal
Algorithms-ESA’99: 7th Annual European Symposium Prague, Czech Republic …, 1999
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Articles 1–20